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Английский язык


Iwould like to tell about russia. this is the largest country. in this country there are many forests,lakes,plains and rivers. here is the most famous lake-baikal. in russia very cold winter,temperature sometimes below -30 c . also in winter there is a lot of snow,children play in the snow,can make snowmen and sledding. a variety of animals live in russia ,whether hare,brown bear,wolf and even tiger.people's, who live in russia, say, that they are russian people . national russia food : borsch with pampushkas,pancakes and sturgeon
It was an ordinary weekday. i went to visit his uncle, he was by profession biologist. he has a small zoo: rats, spiders, snakes. it is as if his test subjects on which he experimented. i raised his uncle michael snack, he told me about the new experiments, the fact that i wanted to become a biologist. standing, he tells me, and suddenly something stung me greatly. thought came to the branch, and said to michael. a few days later, i realized my abilities. i worked in the magazine, we wrote various articles, news. i started to save people, strange as it may sound. sewed a suit spider, i found out that i was bitten by a spider. in the morning, i read a newspaper article about a man spider, and very happy. but no one talked about their ability to dissolve the web. на : это был обычный будний день. я зашел проведать своего дядю, он по профессии ученый-биолог. у него есть маленький зоопарк: крысы, пауки, змеи. это как бы его подопытные, над которыми он ставил эксперимент. я занес дяде майклу перекус, он рассказывал мне о новых экспериментах, дело в том что я хотел стать биологом. стою, он рассказывает мне, и вдруг что то меня сильно ужалило. подумал наткнулся на ветку, и не сказал майклу. через несколько дней, я понял свою сверхспособность. я работал в журнале, мы писали разные статьи, новости. я начал спасать людей, как ни странно это звучало. сшил себе костюм паука, я узнал что меня укусил паук. по утрам я читал в газетах статьи о человеке пауке, и радовался. но никому не рассказывал о своей способности распускать паутины. если не сложно пометь как лучший ответ
Ihope you are well. i want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. during the week, i my homework in the evenings and after that i watch tv. i like watching sitcoms and reality shows but i don't really like talk shows. sometimes my friends come around and we watch a dvd.  at the weekend, i do some sports. on saturday morning, i play football with the school team and in the afternoon i go shopping. i always go to the cinema with friends on saturday night. on sunday i relax at home and read a book or instead i go cycling.  tell me what you like doing in your next email

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