
Переведите текст kindergarten kindergarten (german, literally means "children's garden"), is a form of education for young children that serves as a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling. another definition, which overlaps with early childhood education and preschool, is education for pre- and emergent-literate children before the age of six or seven. children are taught to develop basic skills and knowledge through creative play and social interaction, as well as sometimes formal lessons. in most countries kindergarten is part of the preschool system[l] of early childhood education. children usually attend kindergarten any time between the ages of two and seven years, depending on the local custom. in the united states and anglophone canada, as well as in parts of australia (new south wales, tasmania and the australian capital territory) kindergarten is the word often restricted in use to describe the first year of education, or primary school. in some of these countries it is compulsory, that is parents must send children to their kindergarten year (generally, at age five by september 1 of the present school year in the united states, many states widely offer a free kindergarten year to children of five to six years of age, but do not make it compulsory, while other states require all five-year-olds to enroll. the terms preschool or less often, "pre-k, " (formerly, nursery school) are used to refer to earlier age-group education in the u.s. other districts provide half day or full day kindergarten at the parents' election. in british english, nursery or playgroup is the usual term for preschool education, and kindergarten is rarely used, except in the context of special approaches to education, such as steiner-waldorf education (the educational philosophy of which was founded by rudolf steiner).

Английский язык



дитячий садок (німецької, буквально означає «дитячий садок»), є однією з форм освіти для дітей молодшого віку, яка служить переходом від будинку до початку більш формального шкільної освіти. ще одне визначення, яке збігається з дошкільної освіти та дошкільних установ, є утворення для попередньої та невідкладної грамотних дітей віком до шести-семи. дітей вчать розвивати базові навички та знання за творчої гри і соціальні взаємодії, а також іноді формальні уроки.у більшості країн дитячий сад є частиною системи дошкільної [л] дошкільної освіти. зазвичай діти відвідують дитячий садок у будь-який час у віці від двох до семи років, в залежності від місцевих звичаїв.у сполучених штатах і канаді і, а також в деяких частинах австралії (новий південний уельс, тасманія і австралійська столична територія), дитячий садок це слово часто обмежені у використанні для опису першого року навчання, або початкової школи. у деяких з цих країн вона є обов'язковою, тобто батьки повинні відправляти дітей в їх дитячому садку рік (як правило, у віці п'яти років на 1 вересня поточного року школи).у сполучених штатах, багато держав широко пропонують безкоштовний році дитячий садок для дітей від п'яти до шести років, але не зробити її обов'язковою, в той час як інші держави вимагають всі п'ять-річних зареєструватися. умови дошкільного або, рідше, "pre-k" (колишній дитячий садок) використовується для позначення ранніх вікових груп освіту в сша інші райони забезпечують половину дня або повний день у дитячому садку виборів батьків.у британському ійською, дитячу або ігрову звичайний термін для дошкільної освіти, дитячих садків і рідко використовується, крім як у контексті спеціальних підходів до освіти, таких як штайнер-waldorf освіти (освітнього філософії, яка була заснована рудольфом штайнером).

1. if we don't work harder, we shan't pass the exam. 2. if the students had been late for the exam, they would have passed. 3. if the weather had been so cold, we should have gone to the beach. 4. if she had her laptop with her, she would email me. 5. if she doesn't go to the meeting, i'll go either. 6. if the baby had slept better last night, i wouldn't have been so tired. 7. if the teacher gives us lots of homework this weekend, i shan't be happy. 8. if lucy had enough time, she would travel more. 9. if i don't go to bed soon, i'll be tired in the morning.
My favorite russian folk tale - "the gingerbread man" .mama told me it as a child, i always sleep under it. i have always tried to listen to the end, but the mother's pronunciation of the magic spell enveloped my mind, i zasypal.ona patted me on the head and a soft voice chitala.odnazhdy i asked her why folk tales? he received the answer: "it was transmitted by word of mouth, people used to tell her, just as i told you now, and you are interested in this story, because of the manner of storytelling sleep, school " in the morning i wake up easily, because my mother really cared about me. i went to school, and during recess began to talk with friends about their favorite fairy tales. "vit, what is your favorite fairy tale? " - i asked. what victor said - "humpbacked horse". "the good fairy tale" - i replied. "and you, like that, mash? " - i asked again. "and i like all fairy tales" - said masha. we all change discussed tales. i went home and asked my mother to tell me stories that are popular with children.вот я написал как нормально.

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Переведите текст kindergarten kindergarten (german, literally means "children's garden"), is a form of education for young children that serves as a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling. another definition, which overlaps with early childhood education and preschool, is education for pre- and emergent-literate children before the age of six or seven. children are taught to develop basic skills and knowledge through creative play and social interaction, as well as sometimes formal lessons. in most countries kindergarten is part of the preschool system[l] of early childhood education. children usually attend kindergarten any time between the ages of two and seven years, depending on the local custom. in the united states and anglophone canada, as well as in parts of australia (new south wales, tasmania and the australian capital territory) kindergarten is the word often restricted in use to describe the first year of education, or primary school. in some of these countries it is compulsory, that is parents must send children to their kindergarten year (generally, at age five by september 1 of the present school year in the united states, many states widely offer a free kindergarten year to children of five to six years of age, but do not make it compulsory, while other states require all five-year-olds to enroll. the terms preschool or less often, "pre-k, " (formerly, nursery school) are used to refer to earlier age-group education in the u.s. other districts provide half day or full day kindergarten at the parents' election. in british english, nursery or playgroup is the usual term for preschool education, and kindergarten is rarely used, except in the context of special approaches to education, such as steiner-waldorf education (the educational philosophy of which was founded by rudolf steiner).
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Irina Svetlana