
Ответьте на ** 1) are weather forecast important for people? 2) people of what professions are interested in weather forecast? 3) how often can people listen to daily weather forecast? 4) can people get this information only on radio and tv? 5) where do weathermen usually collect information about the weather? 6) what is the usual result of weathermen`s work? 7) do the members of your family usually listen to weather forecasts or watch them on tv?

Английский язык


Япереведу,а ты ответь,тут всё связано с погодой : ) 1)     по прогнозам важно для людей погода? 2) люди каких профессий заинтересованы в прогноз погоды? 3) как часто люди могут слушать ежедневный прогноз погоды? 4) могут ли люди получить эту информацию только на радио и тв? 5) где метеорологи обычно собирают информацию о погоде? 6) что такое обычный результат weathermen`s работы? 7) есть ли члены вашей семьи, как правило, слушать прогнозы погоды или часы их по телевизору?

when i got  to the gallery  i  liked it very much.  many paintings  hung  on the wall.  i carefullylooked into  each one.  the tour guide  told many  legends and  tales about  these pictures.  ilistened very carefully to  him.  then i  asked a few  interesting questions  and found  the answers.  i like  to spend time  in the gallery.  i also  wanted to be a  tour guide.  i could  tell people  about the paintings  and their  stories.  then  when we  went into the room, i  saw a veryancient  history paintings  and books.  they were created  long ago.  it was exciting.  all myfriends are  interested in  it.  the tour guide  was telling  a very  interesting and understandable.he  invited us  to join the  club of young  gallerists.  i  and several of my  friends  agreed.  then  we went to the  other  room.  but i've already  forgotten about the  picture  and  thought about wasthat  i was called  to the club.  the tour ended  and the tour guide  called us.  we  have discussed  this topic.  i  was very pleased.  it was my dream.  maybe  in the future i'll  also  work in a  gallery,  look for interesting  facts  and data!


                                                                      вот  текст!

when i gotto the galleryiliked it very much.many paintingshungon the wall.i carefullylooked intoeach one.the tour guidetold manylegends andtales aboutthese pictures.ilistened very carefully tohim.then iasked a fewinteresting questionsand foundthe answers.i liketo spend timein the gallery.i alsowanted to be atour guide.i couldtell peopleabout the paintingsand theirstories.thenwhen wewent into the room, isaw a veryancienthistory paintingsand books.they were createdlong was exciting.all myfriends areinterested init.the tour guidewas tellinga veryinteresting and understandable.heinvited usto join theclub of younggallerists.iand several of myfriendsagreed.thenwe went to theotherroom.but i've alreadyforgotten about thepictureandthought about wasthati was calledto the club.the tour endedand the tour guidecalled us.wehave discussedthis topic.iwas very was my dream.maybein the future i'llalsowork in agallery,look for interestingfactsand data!

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Ответьте на ** 1) are weather forecast important for people? 2) people of what professions are interested in weather forecast? 3) how often can people listen to daily weather forecast? 4) can people get this information only on radio and tv? 5) where do weathermen usually collect information about the weather? 6) what is the usual result of weathermen`s work? 7) do the members of your family usually listen to weather forecasts or watch them on tv?
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