
Проверьте на ошибки sea located north of the european part of russia. it is called the white sea. in the middle ages, the lithuanians called it "baltoji - baltijas" - the translation of the lithuanian and latvian means "white." the white sea is named as it is covered by ice

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There is a sea in the north of the European part of Russia. It is called the White Sea. In the Middle Ages the Lithuanians called it "Baltoji - Baltijas" - the translation from Lithuanian and Latvian means "white." The White Sea is named so because it is covered with ice.
Summary. "the lost world" begins with a declaration of love. budding reporter edward malone asks marriage to his sweetheart, gladys. the girl refuses him on the grounds that he was too ordinary for her sublime nature, and that her husband can count only become an outstanding and courageous person and for love to make risky behavior. while impressed by such a retort, our hero ran rushes to the editor, demanding immediately to send him to the risky place on earth. so he could make out an outstanding report. unworldly editor to grant the request of ambitious young men. the most dangerous job assignment is to interview the notorious professor challenger, famous throughout london for his pathological dislike for the journalistic fraternity. malone can only agree to this task, and after a small fight with the professor he gets an invitation to attend the press conference at which the challenger must come up with a sensational statement. summary the "lost world" as you may have guessed all readers of the book "the lost world", a summary of which we set out, the statement is that dinosaurs are not extinct. the professor saw them during his expedition, but failed to preserve evidence. the scientific community ridiculed such a bold statement, but decided to organize another expedition, consisting of the opponent challenger, professor summerlee and independent community representatives. naturally, our hero decides to become this representative from the press. the second candidate was the famous hunter lord john rokston. the commission approved, and a group of brave men travels in south america. there them suddenly joined the challenger who decides to personally lead the expedition. after many adventures they come to the foot of the plateau, which is the lost world. a brief summary of the story does not involve a detailed paraphrase of the plot twists and turns, person of interest, he will read them in the book, we just outline the general outline of the work. a twist of fate and a criminal conspiracy, our heroes find themselves cut off from the world on this mysterious plateau and forced not just to watch the dinosaurs as researchers, but also to save their lives, which actively eat carnivorous dinosaurs. after numerous adventures of the expedition still manages to leave the lost world. a brief summary of their journey recorded by our reporter, and he provides it in his office immediately upon return. is going to a new conference, now four argue that dinosaurs are alive. but again, there are skeptics who don't believe in it. if you had challenged only the words of the challenger, now express distrust to the message of our heroic quartet. but the bitter experience of the challenger makes the congregation a living pterodactyl than fully confirms the veracity of his allegations. our travelers proclaim almost national heroes, and the young lover hurries to his gladys, in order to again offer hands and hearts. now he can count on reciprocity, because he discovered a lost world. a brief summary of the story leaves no room for scene description, explanation, wish everyone can read it yourself, and we'll just say that our hero is still single and plans to go on another expedition. -   сокращенная версия: summary. "the lost world" begins with a declaration of love. budding reporter edward malone asks marriage to his sweetheart, gladys. the girl refuses him on the grounds that he was too ordinary for her sublime nature, and that her husband can count only become an outstanding and courageous person and for love to make risky behavior. while impressed by such a retort, our hero ran rushes to the editor, demanding immediately to send him to the risky place on earth. so he could make out an outstanding report. unworldly editor to grant the request of ambitious young men. the most dangerous job assignment is to interview the notorious professor challenger, famous throughout london for his pathological dislike for the journalistic fraternity. malone can only agree to this task, and after a small fight with the professor he gets an invitation to attend the press conference at which the challenger must come up with a sensational statement. summary the "lost world" as you may have guessed all readers of the book "the lost world", a summary of which we set out, the statement is that dinosaurs are not extinct. the professor saw them during his expedition, but failed to preserve evidence. the scientific community ridiculed such a bold statement, but decided to organize another expedition, consisting of the opponent challenger, professor summerlee and independent community representatives.  коротко:     t he girl refuses him on the grounds that he was too ordinary for her sublime nature, and that her husband can count only become an outstanding and courageous person and for love to make risky behavior. so he could make out an outstanding report. unworldly editor to grant the request of ambitious young men
«кращий день мого життя був тоді, коли я написав тест з російської мови за підсумками 4-го класу на четвірку. ми всі дуже хвилювалися. перше завдання було дуже легким, і я як горіх його розколов. з другим завданням я теж впорався, хоча воно було трішки складніше. так я дійшов до п’ятого завдання, думав — як же все нескладно. але не тут-то було. на шостому завданні я так розхвилювався, що не міг зосередитися. але я твердо знав, що потрібно згадати всі правила, всі поради вчителя перед контрольною. у класі стояла повна тиша, і тільки вчителька писала щось у своєму журналі. сидів я один за партою, і мені ніхто не заважав. свою роботу я здав самим останнім, намагався все переписати без помилок. за вікном яскраво світило сонце, щебетали птахи, весело за вікном шуміли хлопці, а мені було неспокійно в цей відповідальний для мене день. я так хотів довести собі самому — я зможу, у мене все вийде. у цю ніч я довго не міг заснути. але чому ольга миколаївна не перевірила роботи в цей же день? вранці в школу я сильно поспішав, швидше хотілося дізнатися результати своєї праці. ви не уявляєте, як я був радий четвірці, а особливо похвалі мого вчителя. хлопці, вірте у свої сили і все у вас вийде! цього року ми покидаємо початкову школу. і всім педагогам школи, які вчать нас бути розумними, допитливими, справедливими і відповідальними «.

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Проверьте на ошибки sea located north of the european part of russia. it is called the white sea. in the middle ages, the lithuanians called it "baltoji - baltijas" - the translation of the lithuanian and latvian means "white." the white sea is named as it is covered by ice
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