
Написати 4-5 речень про будь-якого українського винахідника

Английский язык


Доктор медицины Евгений Суслов научился диагностировать рак у пациента по слюне. Этот эффективный, безопасный и безболезненный. Результат можно узнать через несколько часов. Этот новый метод диагностики является одним из 10 лучших изобретений Украины.  Этот дешевый может миллионы жизней.

Doctor of medicine Eugene Suslov learned to diagnose cancer in patient's saliva. This method is effective, safe and painless. The result can be found in a few hours. This new method of diagnosis is one of the top 10 inventions of Ukraine. This cheap method can save millions of lives.
Кристина Валентиновна

ответ:Because of rapid advances of modern technology school and university students of different ages have a possibility to attend classes staying at home. The global pandemic of coronavirus has proved it, whether we like it or not. Although most people agree that this is the only way to continue education without leaving the house, many fear that online learning will replace the traditional school teaching.

The most important benefits of online learning are: it can have a flexible schedule; students can work independently; it is more convenient for students who are pursuing education at an older age.

The weaknesses of studying online are: it is considered to be of lower quality than traditional education; staying motivated and keeping up with assignments is often more difficult; online students do not get the one-on-one interaction with their teachers.

In conclusion, I can say that although technically it’s possible to get education online, I prefer traditional form of learning at school as it is more than just getting knowledge. For me it is also a way of learning to interact with others, to socialize and make friends.


Test Станислав

Today I’d like to tell you about my day. I wake up at 7 o’clock. I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my face, clean my teeth and have a shower, if I have enough time. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Before leaving home I usually have breakfast. I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Then I go to school. When my workday ends, I come back home. In the evening I prefer to relax at home. Sometimes I watch TV or read a book. Or I may surf the Internet. When it’s late, I go to bed and sleep.


Я хочу рассказать вам сегодня о своем дне. Я встать в 7 часов. Затем я иду в ванную комнату. Я умываюсь, чищу зубы и принимаю душ, если есть время. После этого я одеваюсь и расчесываю волосы. Перед тем, как уйти, я обычно завтракаю. Я ем бутерброд и пью чашку кофе. Затем я иду в школу. Когда мой рабочий день закончен, я иду домой. Вечером я предпочитаю отдыхать дома. Иногда я смотрю телевизор или читать книги. Также я могу искать, что то в Интернете. Когда поздно, я иду в кровать и сплю.

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