
Надо выбрать вариант из предложенных mark twain is/was a famous american writer. he has written/wrote many books for children. a connecticut yankee in the court of king arthur is/was written in 1889. the book tells/told us about the adventures of a young american man hank morgan. hank has/had an accident and trevells/travelling in time. he makes/make a journey from america of 19th century to great britain of the 6th century. hank was surprised/surprising that ancient people don't/doesn't know many simple things and had/have very few comforts in life если можно, то с объяснением

Английский язык


surprised ,have
1)was 2)wrote 3)was 4)told 5)had 6)trevels 7)makes 8)surprised 9)don't 10)had
простите е сли не правильно ,а объяснить к сожаленью не могу
1. Philip gets up at 6 o'clock every morning.2. I go to school every day.3. She sometimes goes out on Friday night.4. I usually sleep late on Sunday morning.5. Peter works for 8 hours every day. 6. We usually start work at 8 o'clock.7. My children often watch TV in the afternoon.8. He always forgets his keys. 9. She works in an office. 10 Usually I feed the horses and then groom them. это present simple
1. Филипп встает в 6:00 каждый утро.2. Я хожу в школу каждый день.3. Она иногда выходит в пятницу ночью. 4.  Я обычно сплю поздно утром  воскресенье .5. Питер работает в течение 8 часов каждый день. 6. Обычно мы начинаем работу в 8 часов 0,7. Мои дети часто смотрят телевизор днем.8. Он всегда забывает свои ключи. 9. Она работает в офисе. 10 Обычно я кормить лошадей, а затем ухаживать за ними.
presenrt continuous 
We are working with Brian at the moment, recording a new album. — Мы сейчас работаем с Брайном, записываем новый альбом.
The kettle is boling. Can you turn it off? — Чайник закипает. Ты не мог бы его выключить?
I don’t know where we are going. — Я не знаю, куда мы идем.
Listen! He is singing. — Послушай! Он поет.
Look! Somebody is climbing up the tree. — Смотри! Кто-то взбирается на дерево.We aren’t going anywhere for Christmas. We are staying at home. — Мы никуда не собираемся на Рождество. Останемся дома.
Are you writing anything tomorrow evening? — No, I am playing football with friends. — Ты что-нибудь будешь писать завтра вечером? Нет, я собираюсь поиграть в футбол с друзьями.
We are taking exams in June. — Мы сдаем экзамены в июне.If  I am sleeping when you call, my mother will wake me up. — Если я буду спать, когда ты позвонишь, то мама меня разбудит.
When he is dancing tomorrow, you will be free.  - Когда он завтра будет танцевать, ты будешь свободен.
 I want to be a respected person. I know many people want to be a famous person because they think maybe many people will adore and respected them, but in my opinion, I want to be an ordinary and not ordinary person. The reason why I want to be an ordinary because I want to be a low-pitched person, and the reason why I want not to be an ordinary because I want to do things very high-key. I also know if you want to be a respected person first you must respect the other people and respect yourself. 
It is the first dream
The second dream it is to be a teacher.

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Надо выбрать вариант из предложенных mark twain is/was a famous american writer. he has written/wrote many books for children. a connecticut yankee in the court of king arthur is/was written in 1889. the book tells/told us about the adventures of a young american man hank morgan. hank has/had an accident and trevells/travelling in time. he makes/make a journey from america of 19th century to great britain of the 6th century. hank was surprised/surprising that ancient people don't/doesn't know many simple things and had/have very few comforts in life если можно, то с объяснением
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