
26 слов на по алфавиту с переводом по порядку

Английский язык


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The problem of preservation and purposeful formation of health of children, youth in difficult modern conditions of development of Russia is exclusively significant and actual as it is connected directly with a safety and independence problem. In recent years in Russia there was a considerable high-quality deterioration of health of school students. According to researches, only 10% of graduates of schools can be considered healthy, 40% have various chronic pathology. At every second school student the combination of several chronic diseases is revealed.
During training at school the number of children with violations of the musculoskeletal device increases by 1,5 – 2 times, nervous diseases – twice, with allergic diseases – by 3 times, with short-sightedness – by 5 times.
Especially adverse situation with health of pupils is noted at schools of new type (gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums, schools with profound studying of subjects, etc.), educational process in which is characterized by the increased intensity. By the end of the year at grammar-school boys the frequency of hypertensive reactions twice increases, and total number of adverse changes of arterial pressure reaches 90%, emergence of the raised nevrotization it is noted at 55% - 83% of pupils of schools of new type.
Considerably incidence of teenagers increased: by results of routine inspections various diseases are registered at 94,5% of teenagers. Prevalence of the diseases limiting a choice of professions, reaches 3%.

Михайлович Гуртовая929
My name is Catherine. I’m fifteen years old. I’ve moved to St. Petersburg recently. I study six days a week that’s why I try to spend my only day off merrily and interestingly. In the morning I wake up later than usual. I like to lie slugging a bed and to watch TV. Television shows many interesting programmes on Sunday. My mother cooks something delicious at the weekend. She bakes cakes or sweet buns. We have breakfast together and then walk around the town. I’m fond of painting that’s why I like to visit art exhibitions. In the evening I meet with friends and we go the cinema. After the film we spend time in any cafe or McDonalds and compare notes. Sometimes I can’t meet with friends and then I spend the whole evening with my parents and elder sister. We go to the theatre or to the concert hall together. I love my day off very much because I can have a good rest and collect my strength for a whole week.

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