
Вариант 1 1. выберите артикль. i usually have … classes in … morning. a) the, - - , the c) a, the d) the, a e) -, a 2. выберите правильный предлог. she is a girl … eleven. a) on of c) from d) at e) in 3. выберите правильный предлог. the room was full … smoke. a) with of c) off d) for e) in 4. выберите правильно написанное слово: e, l, s, r, u, o, y, f. a) eslouyfr yourself c) furseloy d) seyfulor e) lesuoyrf 5. синоним слова: «power». a) energy beauty c) taste d) quality e) smell 6. выберите слово с четвертым типом слога: a) rose burn c) car d) tulip e) fire 7. переведите правильно: «неприятный» a) impleasant displeasant c) nonpleasant d) unpleasant e) inpleasant 8. образуйте существительное от глагола: «punish» a) punish punishment c) punishic d) punishable e) punishhood 9. правильный вариант чтения числительного: «the 35th » a) the thirty-fifth the thirty-five c) the thirtieth- fifth d) the thirty-fiveth e) the thirty and fifth 10. выберите правильную форму прилагательного: nick is … than i. a) old older c) oldest d) more old e) most old 11. выберите правильную форму наречия. he knows english … than i. a) well better c) the best d) more well e) the most well 12. выберите правильную форму местоимения: there are not … modern conveniences in the house. a) some much c) any d) no e) little 13. переведите на язык: «она прочитала книгу? » a) did she read the book? is she read the book? c) has she read the book? d) was she reading the book? e) does she read the book? 14. дополните предложение соответствующим местоимением: there is … in my pocket. a) anybody anything c) some d) somewhere e) something 15. окончание читается как: [t] a) played cleaned c) skipped d) rained e) started 16.укажите правильный вариант наречия. he drivers … a) most careful very careful c) more careful d) carefull e) very carefully 17. выберите необходимый вариант: what’s the news? you look happy … good? a) are they is it c) there are d) are there e) is he 18. выберите правильный вариант существительного: there are many … in the flield. a) sheep sheeps c) s sheep d) the sheeps e) sheepes 19. выберите правильный модальный глагол: she said she … do the work. a) must not to couldn c) need not d) could not to e) has not 20. выберите глагол в нужной форме. she … you all about it tomorrow. a) tells told c) thas told d) will told e) shall told 21. выберите правильный модальный глагол: we … … write without a pen or a pencil. a) may cannot c) can d) need e) must 22. выберите правильную форму глагола: my mother … to drive the car till she was 18. a) was not allowed had not been allowed c) is not allowed d) is not being allowed e) has not allowed 23.выберите глагол: … the students translate text? a) do does c) have d) has e) had 24. выберите правильный модальный глагол: i … get up early on sundays. a) has to ought c) need not d) am able e) could not 25.найдите значение идиомы: she has a green thumb. a) she really won the prize. she likes boasting. c) she does more than it is necessary d) she cannot grow plants. e) she is good at growing plants. 26. найдите правильный вариант ответа: i … tv yesterday evening. a) did not watch did not watched c) won t watch d) not watch e) do not watch 27. переведите из прямой речи в косвенную: «where did you find the book? » ben asked. a) ben asked where you had found the book. ben asked where i had found the book. c) ben asked where had i found the book. d) ben asked me where did i find the book e) ben asked me where i found the book. 28. найдите слово аналогичное выделенному: he spoke to his sister after school. a) asked discussed c) informed d) promised e) talked 29. прочитайте текст и выполните : the statue of liberty was put up 1886. it was a gift to the usa from

Английский язык


1 b 2 b 3. b 4 b 5a 6e 7d 8 b 9 a 10 b 11. b 12. c 13. c 14. e 15. c 16.e 17.b 18. a 19. b 20. a 21. b 22. a 23 a 24e 25 e 26a 28e 
У русских в рационе широко распространены супы, в особенности борщи и щи. На завтрак большинство россиян едят кашу или бутерброды с чем-либо. Традиционная русская еда включает в себя: блины, супы, пельмени и пироги.  Широко распространены и хлопья. Салаты русские готовят чаще по праздникам, нежели в обычные дни. Так же со времен пельменей, блинов и прочих мучных (или не полностью мучных) изделий появились вареники. В России  на праздники часто готовят бутерброды с икрой. В обычные же дни русские делают это редко. Пироги русские часто делают с фруктами, ягодами или овощами. Однако, есть те, кто предпочитают начинку из яиц, семечек или мяса.
На английский в данный момент не могу;(
I recently watched a short news report about a study in a chinese university where they tried to find out whether men are more vain than women. The researchers made appointments with their subjects to be interviewed and each has to wait in a waiting room before being interviewed. In each room there is a one way mirror where researchers can video tape the subject's action without being seen. In that study, men looked at themselves in the mirror more than the women. 

Could men be more vain than women?

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вариант 1 1. выберите артикль. i usually have … classes in … morning. a) the, - - , the c) a, the d) the, a e) -, a 2. выберите правильный предлог. she is a girl … eleven. a) on of c) from d) at e) in 3. выберите правильный предлог. the room was full … smoke. a) with of c) off d) for e) in 4. выберите правильно написанное слово: e, l, s, r, u, o, y, f. a) eslouyfr yourself c) furseloy d) seyfulor e) lesuoyrf 5. синоним слова: «power». a) energy beauty c) taste d) quality e) smell 6. выберите слово с четвертым типом слога: a) rose burn c) car d) tulip e) fire 7. переведите правильно: «неприятный» a) impleasant displeasant c) nonpleasant d) unpleasant e) inpleasant 8. образуйте существительное от глагола: «punish» a) punish punishment c) punishic d) punishable e) punishhood 9. правильный вариант чтения числительного: «the 35th » a) the thirty-fifth the thirty-five c) the thirtieth- fifth d) the thirty-fiveth e) the thirty and fifth 10. выберите правильную форму прилагательного: nick is … than i. a) old older c) oldest d) more old e) most old 11. выберите правильную форму наречия. he knows english … than i. a) well better c) the best d) more well e) the most well 12. выберите правильную форму местоимения: there are not … modern conveniences in the house. a) some much c) any d) no e) little 13. переведите на язык: «она прочитала книгу? » a) did she read the book? is she read the book? c) has she read the book? d) was she reading the book? e) does she read the book? 14. дополните предложение соответствующим местоимением: there is … in my pocket. a) anybody anything c) some d) somewhere e) something 15. окончание читается как: [t] a) played cleaned c) skipped d) rained e) started 16.укажите правильный вариант наречия. he drivers … a) most careful very careful c) more careful d) carefull e) very carefully 17. выберите необходимый вариант: what’s the news? you look happy … good? a) are they is it c) there are d) are there e) is he 18. выберите правильный вариант существительного: there are many … in the flield. a) sheep sheeps c) s sheep d) the sheeps e) sheepes 19. выберите правильный модальный глагол: she said she … do the work. a) must not to couldn c) need not d) could not to e) has not 20. выберите глагол в нужной форме. she … you all about it tomorrow. a) tells told c) thas told d) will told e) shall told 21. выберите правильный модальный глагол: we … … write without a pen or a pencil. a) may cannot c) can d) need e) must 22. выберите правильную форму глагола: my mother … to drive the car till she was 18. a) was not allowed had not been allowed c) is not allowed d) is not being allowed e) has not allowed 23.выберите глагол: … the students translate text? a) do does c) have d) has e) had 24. выберите правильный модальный глагол: i … get up early on sundays. a) has to ought c) need not d) am able e) could not 25.найдите значение идиомы: she has a green thumb. a) she really won the prize. she likes boasting. c) she does more than it is necessary d) she cannot grow plants. e) she is good at growing plants. 26. найдите правильный вариант ответа: i … tv yesterday evening. a) did not watch did not watched c) won t watch d) not watch e) do not watch 27. переведите из прямой речи в косвенную: «where did you find the book? » ben asked. a) ben asked where you had found the book. ben asked where i had found the book. c) ben asked where had i found the book. d) ben asked me where did i find the book e) ben asked me where i found the book. 28. найдите слово аналогичное выделенному: he spoke to his sister after school. a) asked discussed c) informed d) promised e) talked 29. прочитайте текст и выполните : the statue of liberty was put up 1886. it was a gift to the usa from
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