
Сочинение на тему мой город Алмата на английском с переводом заранее

Английский язык



My city - Almaty

There are many beautiful cities in the world, but my hometown of Almaty is for me the best, most beautiful. Once Almaty was the capital of all Kazakhstan. Now the capital of the republic is Astana, a city in the north of Kazakhstan. But for people, Almaty is still a significant city, and it is called the southern capital.

The snow-capped peaks of Zailiysky Alatau rise above my city. It is very large, with a population of over one and a half million people. The city is buried in green spaces. Most of all, Almaty is beautiful in spring, when everything blooms. Golden leaves of trees in autumn, the soft warmth of the sun also give charm to the city. The short winter with frosts and snow also pleases the townspeople, skates and skis are used. There are many ice rinks in the city, there are ski resorts, and high in the mountains is the famous Medeo ice rink.

My city began in the mid-19th century as a military fortification on the shores of Little Almaty. The small town was called Verny. It was inhabited mainly by Russian settlers (Cossacks). With the advent of Soviet power, the city changed its name to Alma-Ata and became the capital of Kazakhstan.

Мой город — Алматы

На свете много прекрасных городов, но мой родной город Алматы для меня самый лучший, самый красивый. Когда-то Алматы была столицей всего Казахстана. Теперь столица республики — Астана, город на севере Казахстана. Но для людей Алматы по-прежнему остаётся значимым городом, и её называют южной столицей.

Покрытые снегом вершины Заилийского Алатау возвышаются над моим городом. Он очень большой, с населением свыше полутора миллиона человек. Город утопает в зелёных насаждениях. Более всего Алматы красива весной, когда всё цветёт. Золотые листья деревьев осенью, мягкая теплота солнца тоже придают очарование городу. Короткая зима с морозами и снегом тоже радует горожан, в ход идут коньки и лыжи. В городе много катков, есть лыжные базы, а высоко в горах находится знаменитый каток Медео.

Мой город начинался в середине 19 века как военное укрепление на берегу малой Алматинки. Небольшой городок назывался Верный. Он был заселён в основном русскими переселенцами (казаками). С приходом советской власти город сменил название на Алма-ату и стал столицей Казахстана.




In his picture, a special atmosphere reigns, a city that blooms in smoke, but always shines with neon signs, windows, high-rise buildings, traffic lights and car headlights.

The artist paints in oil on medium and large wooden panels, each work is made in a unique author's style. Mann composites are inspired by wet city asphalt, which reflects street lights, traffic lights and neon signs


В его картинах царит особая атмосфера, город то промок под дождём, то расплывается в дымке, но всегда светится неоновыми вывесками, окнами многоэтажек, светофорами и автомобильными фарами

Художник пишет маслом на средних и крупных деревянных панелях, каждая работа выполнена в неповторимом авторском стиле. Композиции Манна вдохновлены мокрым городским асфальтом, в котором отражаются уличные фонари, светофоры и неоновые вывески

p.s. буду рада , если была полезна

1. The New Year and the Russian Christmas is the main winter Russian holidays.2. Russian celebrate the New Year on the 1st of January. 3. Peter ordered to celebrate the New Year on the 1st of January. And since time Russian always celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January. 4. Russians celebrate Christmas on 7th of January.5. It was established by the Church in honour of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ.6. When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child presents-gold, frankincense and myrrh.7. Christmas-tide is a very interesting period. It is from January the 7th(Christmas) till January the 19th (Epiphany). It was established by the Church in honour of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ. At the period people used to walk wearing fances costumes and singing songs, they went from house to house giving and receiving gifts and treats.8. Yes, of course. It is celebrated as the Farewell-to-Winter Festival. On the day people have fun. They ride a troika, climb a pole for a gift. Eating pancakes on that day is a pagan tradition. I love this one.9. I think it's great to have such events like holidays during the year. Holidays plays an important role in our lives. Many people celebrate them by spending time together with their relatives and friends. I don't think that there are lots of people who doesn't like to celebrate it. It's not good to be alone in such days, because especially holidays give an opportunity to meet our nearest and dearest. I'm afraid people don't feel the whole miracle of the holidays( for example New Year) in modern life.10. Important holidays for me it's New Year, Russian Christmas and Russian Shrovetide.

Дополнительно: ответы от пользователя sashanikitchenko -

The main holidays in Russia are New year, Christmas, Easter, March 8 - women's day, April fools ' Day (April 1. )January 1 - New Year's Day.The Russian Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January.The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible.They gave the Child presents - gold, frankincense and myrrh. That's why people nowadays try to please their friends and relatives giving them Christmas presents.

P.S: Если я тебе, и если тебе не сложно нажми на "лучший ответ".

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Хасанбиевич Колесников716
It's yellow and brown with green leaves at the top.что это ? ​