
ПАМОГИТЕ ДАМ 35 3 ЗАДАНИЕ СДЕЛАИТЕ Read these sentences and choose have to, has to or had to. Write one variant into each sentence. Don’t use capital letters and full stops. 1. My eyes are not good. I wear glasses. 2. We walk home last night. There were no buses. 3. These students did an exam. They answer five questions out of seven. 2 ЗАДАНИЕ Read these sentences and choose 'don’t have to' or 'doesn’t have to'. 1. We go shopping. doesn't have to don't have to 2. Mum make sandwiches. doesn't have to don't have to 3. They cook now. doesn’t have to don’t have to 3 ЗАДАНИЕ Complete the following sentences with have/has to or don’t/doesn’t have to and a verb in brackets. Write four short forms with a comma (, Примечание: Все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Необходимо написать сокращенные формы: doesn’t have to (does not have to), don’t have to (do not have to). Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать слова не нужно. Example answer: has to make, doesn’t have to come, have to go, don’t have to work 1. James is a smart guy, he (study) a lot! 2. Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they (buy) a new one. 3. Do you really (speak) so fast? I am writing down every single word! 4. No, you (write) down every word I say, just the most important ideas!

Английский язык


Sadikova Gavrikov

1 задание

1) have to

2) had to

3) had to

2 заданием

1) don't have to

2) doesn't have to

3) don't have to

3 задание

1) doesn't have to study

2) have to buy

3) have to speak

4) don't have to write


1. If I had liked it so much, I would have bought it.

2. If I had known that it was your birthday...

3. I would not have been so angry if you...

4. I would have written to you if I have had your e-mail.

5. If you had talked to me...

Схема условного предложения третьего типа обычно выглядит так:

If + Past Perfect, would + V3

Условные предложения третьего типа передают воображаемую, невозможную ситуацию в которой уже не суждено случиться, с этой конструкции, как правило, выражают критику в чей-то адрес или сожаления о содеянном или не содеянном.

If we had left earlier, we would have caught a train. – Если бы мы вышли раньше, мы бы успели на поезд.

If he had studied better, he would have got a job. – Если бы он лучше учился, он бы получил работу.


упражнение 2.

2. since, 3. for, 4. since, 5. for, 6. since, 7.for, 8.since, 9. for, 10. for, 11. for, 12. for, 13. for, 14. for, 15. since, 16. for, 17. since, 18. since, 19. since, 20. for, 21. since

упражнение 3

1. has written; 2. have drawm; 3. has blown out; 4. has drunk; 5. has fallen; 6. has given; 7. have made; 8. have eaten; 9. the train has just gone; 10. have just told; 11. have never been; 12. have just gone away; 13. has sold; 14. have read.

упражнение 4

1. hasn't watched; 2. hasn't already cleaned; 3. hasn't made; 4. hasn't bought; 5. haven't painted; 6. hasn't bought; 7. hasn't just cooked; 8. hasn't already eaten; 9. haven't gone; 10. haven't been 11. hasn't just broken;12. haven't cleaned; 13. hasn't phoned; 14. hasn't just arrived; 15. hasn't just started; 16. hasn't gone; 17. haven't left; 18. hasn't changed; 19. haven't worked; 20. hasn't been.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

ПАМОГИТЕ ДАМ 35 3 ЗАДАНИЕ СДЕЛАИТЕ Read these sentences and choose have to, has to or had to. Write one variant into each sentence. Don’t use capital letters and full stops. 1. My eyes are not good. I wear glasses. 2. We walk home last night. There were no buses. 3. These students did an exam. They answer five questions out of seven. 2 ЗАДАНИЕ Read these sentences and choose 'don’t have to' or 'doesn’t have to'. 1. We go shopping. doesn't have to don't have to 2. Mum make sandwiches. doesn't have to don't have to 3. They cook now. doesn’t have to don’t have to 3 ЗАДАНИЕ Complete the following sentences with have/has to or don’t/doesn’t have to and a verb in brackets. Write four short forms with a comma (, Примечание: Все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Необходимо написать сокращенные формы: doesn’t have to (does not have to), don’t have to (do not have to). Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать слова не нужно. Example answer: has to make, doesn’t have to come, have to go, don’t have to work 1. James is a smart guy, he (study) a lot! 2. Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they (buy) a new one. 3. Do you really (speak) so fast? I am writing down every single word! 4. No, you (write) down every word I say, just the most important ideas!
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