
There are some places where you can expect wildfires. In California, fires burn from 50, 000 to 500, 000 acres of land every year. Some of the plants A have oily sap. They can survive the dry, hot summers, but if they catch fire they explode into flame. Grasses grow thick during the spring rains and then die. They dry into a thick layer of straw B, making a very hot fire. Fires can start wherever there’s fuel to burn. Southern California has plenty of fuel and a hot, dry wind C between mid-September and late October. This wind, called the Santa Ana, passes over the inland desert, D, and rushes toward the ocean to the west. The Santa Ana wind fans the flames and makes fighting the fires nearly impossible. In 1988, Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park was burned by several fires at once. Lightning struck in two places. A worker dropped a lit cigarette in another place. On the worst day of fire, more than 600 square kilometers of forest burned. Clouds of smoke E rose into the atmosphere. Smoke blocked the sun and drifted far beyond the park. Firefighters work hard to control fires like those in Yellowstone and California, F. But long before humans learned how to start or put out a fire, prairies and forests burned every year. Both kinds of land recovered, as they have in Yellowstone and in California. 1. that burns fast 2. many of which are caused by people 3. that blows every year 4. wherever lightning strikes 5. that looked like storm clouds 6. that live there 7. its air losing moisture and gaining heat

Английский язык



•Magna Carta Libertatum (средневековая латынь, означающая "Великая хартия свобод"), обычно называемая Magna Carta (также "Великая хартия"), является королевской хартией прав, согласованной королем Англии Иоанном в Раннимиде, недалеко от Виндзора, 15 июня 1215 года. Впервые составленный архиепископом Кентерберийским Стивеном Лэнгтоном для заключения мира между непопулярным королем и группой мятежных баронов, он обещал защиту церковных прав, защиту баронов от незаконного заключения в тюрьму, доступ к быстрому правосудию и ограничения на феодальные выплаты короне, которые будут осуществляться через совет из 25 баронов.

Великая хартия Вольностей до сих пор является важным символом свободы, часто цитируемым политиками и агитаторами, и пользуется большим уважением в британском и американском юридическом сообществе.

Это может выглядеть как простой, непритязательный кусок пергамента, но на самом деле это один из самых известных документов в мире. Великая хартия Вольностей, что означает "Великая хартия", вдохновляла людей на протяжении веков, от Томаса Джефферсона до Махатмы Ганди. Но почему изначально была создана хартия? И что же там на самом деле написано?

Давайте вернемся в средневековую Англию. Сейчас 1215 год, и правитель - король Иоанн. Многие люди считают, что король Иоанн был одним из худших королей в истории. Он заключил в тюрьму свою бывшую жену, морил голодом своих противников, якобы убил собственного племянника и рвал бороды ирландским вождям.

Король Иоанн обложил своих баронов тяжелыми налогами, чтобы оплатить дорогостоящие иностранные войны. Если они отказывались платить, он сурово наказывал их или захватывал их имущество. Бароны потребовали, чтобы король Джон подчинился закону; когда он отказался, они захватили Лондон, и Джон был вынужден вести переговоры.

Обе стороны встретились в Раннимиде в июне 1215 года. Результат переговоров был записан королевскими клерками в документе, известном нам как Великая хартия Вольностей. Хотя большинство положений хартии касалось средневековых прав и обычаев, Великая Хартия Вольностей стала мощным символом свободы во всем мире.


LESSON: 32. Unit revision

School: Enbekshi School

Date: 29.12.2016

Teacher name: Alimzhan Yakhiyarov

CLASS: 1 а,ә,б,в

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – to talk about people and places

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

listen and repeat sounds correctly

understand teacher’s questions

Most learners will be able to:

recognise and name some sounds

Some learners will be able to:

recognise and name all sounds

Value links

Good citizenship and positive behavior

Previous learning

31. Overwriting initial sounds


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 minutes

10 minutes

1. Hello, how are you?

2. Review My/His/Her name is…

3. Teacher will invite Ss to stand in a circle and to greet each other.

Hello song


10 min

Pupil’s book

Ex. 1, p 58

Ex. 2, p. 58

Pupil’s book


Ex. 3, p. 59

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners will be

Create mixed ability pairs

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

through observation in pair & group work

through formative assessment

Health and safety check

ICT links


Fact-based observation

Careful movement around the room

Boy-girl-boy-girl arrangement within sitting and standing circles to encourage positive behaviours like keeping hands to self.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

There are some places where you can expect wildfires. In California, fires burn from 50, 000 to 500, 000 acres of land every year. Some of the plants A have oily sap. They can survive the dry, hot summers, but if they catch fire they explode into flame. Grasses grow thick during the spring rains and then die. They dry into a thick layer of straw B, making a very hot fire. Fires can start wherever there’s fuel to burn. Southern California has plenty of fuel and a hot, dry wind C between mid-September and late October. This wind, called the Santa Ana, passes over the inland desert, D, and rushes toward the ocean to the west. The Santa Ana wind fans the flames and makes fighting the fires nearly impossible. In 1988, Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park was burned by several fires at once. Lightning struck in two places. A worker dropped a lit cigarette in another place. On the worst day of fire, more than 600 square kilometers of forest burned. Clouds of smoke E rose into the atmosphere. Smoke blocked the sun and drifted far beyond the park. Firefighters work hard to control fires like those in Yellowstone and California, F. But long before humans learned how to start or put out a fire, prairies and forests burned every year. Both kinds of land recovered, as they have in Yellowstone and in California. 1. that burns fast 2. many of which are caused by people 3. that blows every year 4. wherever lightning strikes 5. that looked like storm clouds 6. that live there 7. its air losing moisture and gaining heat
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

Популярные вопросы в разделе
