
Task2. Read the dialogue about Ideal Place to LiveWhen it comes to thinking of the ideal place to live two things come to mind. The big bustling city or a small quiet town. My choice would be the small town for several reasons. One it’s quiet. There are not a lot of people which can help cut down on crime and violence. Third there are a lot of different sights and sounds that you don’t get to see nor hear in a big city. Last but not least you normally have a better school system in small towns.Population in the big city can be overwhelming to some individuals. That’s why I would choose the small town. The town in is small enough that you can get to know your neighbors. That can help you notice if something is not right or out of the norms. Sights and sounds of the small town are like those of a fairy tale if you’ve lived in a big city your whole life. You can actually lay out at night look at the stars. Listen to the stream run pass your house. Watch an owl fly through the air looking for prey. On bright moonlit winter night you could even catch a herd of deer walking thru your yard. In the big city you rarely ever have that kind of opportunity to see those things. 1. The author prefer the big bustling city. True False 2. The small town is quiet. True 3. The small town has a lot of people which can help cut down on crime. True4. There are a lot of different sights and sounds in the city. True False5. Population in the big city isn’t more than the town. True6. You can listen to the stream run pass your house in the town. True False​

Английский язык











ответ:1 false

2 true

3 false





Зачем изучать английский язык
Изучение иностранных языков важно в наши дни. Я думаю, что культурный и современный человек должен изучать иностранные языки. Но я предпочитаю английский язык. Почему? Английский становится глобальным языком. Половина миллиарда человек в мире используют английский дома или на работе. Английский – это язык, который известен всему нашему прекрасному, величественному и удивительному миру. Английский настолько распространен, что он стал стандартным языком всех видов международных общений.

Проблемы 21-го века, такие, как проблемы войны и мира, экологии, не могут быть решены, если не говорить на одном языке.

На английском языке говорят более 350 миллионов человек, он является родным языком 12 наций и официальным языком более чем 33 национальностей. Это означает, что каждый седьмой человек в мире говорит на английском языке.

Некоторые люди изучают английский язык, потому что они нужны им в работе, другие много путешествуют за границу,а для многих изучение английского языка любимое занятие. Я начала изучать язык с 11 лет. Мне он очень нравится. Но я также люблю свой родной русский язык. Великий немецкий поэт Гёте однажды сказал: «Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает и своего собственного». Я согласна с ним, все познается в сравнении. Знание английского языка мне познавать русский язык.
Nglish is very important in this modern world. Apart from our mother tongue we need to have a common language which makes us able to communicate with other part of the world. English is the common language which is known to most of the people in the world. It is very important to have good English because an effective communication can reach people better. English words used must be simple so that it can be reached to people easily as well as easily understood by everyone. Nowadays English is being taught to children at primary level itself. Students are strictly made to speak in English when they are in school premises and some modern missionaries schools also punish students with a fine (penalty) - this helps in building a good communication as well as body language.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Task2. Read the dialogue about Ideal Place to LiveWhen it comes to thinking of the ideal place to live two things come to mind. The big bustling city or a small quiet town. My choice would be the small town for several reasons. One it’s quiet. There are not a lot of people which can help cut down on crime and violence. Third there are a lot of different sights and sounds that you don’t get to see nor hear in a big city. Last but not least you normally have a better school system in small towns.Population in the big city can be overwhelming to some individuals. That’s why I would choose the small town. The town in is small enough that you can get to know your neighbors. That can help you notice if something is not right or out of the norms. Sights and sounds of the small town are like those of a fairy tale if you’ve lived in a big city your whole life. You can actually lay out at night look at the stars. Listen to the stream run pass your house. Watch an owl fly through the air looking for prey. On bright moonlit winter night you could even catch a herd of deer walking thru your yard. In the big city you rarely ever have that kind of opportunity to see those things. 1. The author prefer the big bustling city. True False 2. The small town is quiet. True 3. The small town has a lot of people which can help cut down on crime. True4. There are a lot of different sights and sounds in the city. True False5. Population in the big city isn’t more than the town. True6. You can listen to the stream run pass your house in the town. True False​
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