
Место на 4 номер не хватило. 4.Choose the correct option:1)I was in England in the summer(пример) 2)We were at the cinema at/on Saturday3)I was at/on home this morning4)Were you at/in Rob's party? 5)They weren't in/at the classroom on/at 9.15 . It was emply6)The dog was at/in the Park this afternoonЗаранее

Английский язык


Доработай , я давно учила этот текст,пишу по памяти. n london you can visut a lot of intristing places. the most famous street rhere - is oxford street. but if you walk few houses farer , in soho u will see a carnaby street. it is the most fashionable place in london. in the past, king with his friends was really enjoyed hunting in this area. and name "soho" , cams to us from those days, when it wa a hunting roar. and then, the famoust fashionable disigner james как-то тамович comes to london and opend in the soho his store , called "his clothes" . and the famous those days stars like the beatles, rolling stones bought clothes there. and james become a really seccsesful in this business. but in 1970 people start flund unusial styles in old fashion, so james gave up, and lost his shop. nowdays there a lot of interesting shops too, i recomend you, to wisit this place.
1. Were you wtitting an English exercise at this time yesterdsy?
2. Was she going to the cinema at four o`clock yesterday?
3. Was my little sister sleeping at this time yesterday?
4. Was she doing her homework the whole evening yesterday?
5. Were you playing computer games at five o`clock yesterday?
6. Was my sister playing the piano at four o`clock yesterday?
7. Were we washing the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday?
8. Was he reading a newspapers yesterday?
9. Was he washing the dishes from six till seven yesterday?
10. Was Ann cooking the whole day yesterday?

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Место на 4 номер не хватило. 4.Choose the correct option:1)I was in England in the summer(пример) 2)We were at the cinema at/on Saturday3)I was at/on home this morning4)Were you at/in Rob's party? 5)They weren't in/at the classroom on/at 9.15 . It was emply6)The dog was at/in the Park this afternoonЗаранее
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