
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1—7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated Balamurali Ambati was born on July 29, 1977. His mother was a Tamil linguist and a mathematician, his father was a doctor. When Balamurali was three, his family immigrated to Buffalo, New York, from Vellore, India, for better life. Balamurali was an extraordinary child ever since he was born. At the age of four, Ambati was doing calculus and did maths puzzles. At the age of six, he started elementary school and in some weeks of his joining the first grade, Balamurali was put into the second grade. Balamurali’s father motivated his young son to try studying things two times faster because his son was smarter than other children of his age. He achieved two elementary school grades each year and completed his studies in high school in Baltimore at the age of 11. That year, he also wrote a book on medicine with his 17-year-old brother, Jayakrishna, which won an award from the American Medical Association. Some activities that interested Balamurali when he was growing up included basketball, chess, ping-pong and video games. At secondary school, he was keen on biology, which later helped him to choose a profession in medicine. By the time he was 13 years old, he had completed his studies at New York University and went on to study at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, which he successfully completed and was awarded with a doctor diploma at the young age of 17. In 1995, according to the Guinness Book of World Records he was the world’s youngest doctor, at the age of seventeen. Balamurali said that by the age of 7 he had decided on his future profession. “I spilled a pot of very hot water onto myself. I was in the hospital for a few months. I understood then I wanted to do something where I could help sick people.” Presently, Dr Ambati is known as a brilliant ophthalmologist who has made significant contributions to medical science. He is a person who loves to explore and comes up with new forms of treatments for abnormal levels of diseases. Dr Ambati has got a lot of awards for his medical brilliance. He has also volunteered to work with Orbis International, a charity organisation, which offers medical help to many developing countries around the world. 1. Balamurali was born in India. (T/F/NS) 2. Balamurali was born into a teacher’s family. (T/F/NS) 3. When Balamurali was a 6 year old boy he joined the second grade. (T/F/NS) 4. At the age of thirteen Balamurali completed his studies at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. (T/F/NS) 5. At sixteen, Balamurali became the youngest doctor ever. (T/F/NS) 6. Balamurali decided to be a doctor as he was keen on biology. (T/F/NS) 7. Dr. Ambati has got a lot of international awards. (T/F/NS)

Английский язык



1. NS

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. T


1. I went to school yesterday
Я ходил вчера в школу
2. My friends played football.
Мои друзья играли в футбол.
3. I didn't read a book yesterday.
Я не читал книгу вчера
4. Did you buy a telephone yesteday?
Ты купил вчера телефон?
5. My parents went to London last month
Мои родители ездили в Лондон в месяц
6. My brother didn't visit a park last year
Мой брат не посещал парк в году
7. Did you play computer games yesterday?
Ты играл в компьютерные игры вчера?
8. I didn't go out two days ago.
Я не выходил гулять 2 дня назад.
9. What did you do last year?
Что ты делал в году?
10.My friend was the best player of football.
Моя друг был лучшим игроком в футбол
11. Didn't you play computer games yesterday? 
Ты не играл в компьютерные игры вчера?

1) You must not speak loudly at the lesson. - Ты не должен громко разговаривать на уроке.

2) You must not run round the desks during the break. - Ты не должен бегать вокруг парт во время перемены.

3) You must not be late at your lessons. - Ты не должен опаздывать на уроки.

4) You must not drink cold water. - Ты не должен пить холодную воду.

5) You must not go out without warm clothes in winter. - Ты не должен выходить на улицу без теплой одежды зимой.

6) You must not speak to a stranger. - Ты не должен разговаривать с незнакомцем.

7) You must not орen the door for people you don't know. - Ты не должен открывать двери людям, которых ты не знаешь.

8) You must not cross the street when the red traffic light is. - Ты не должен переходить улицу на красный свет.

9) You must not speak rudely to anybody. - Ты не должен разговаривать грубо с кем бы то ни было.

10) You must not come to school without your school uniform. - Ты не должен приходить в школу без школьной формы.

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Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1—7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated Balamurali Ambati was born on July 29, 1977. His mother was a Tamil linguist and a mathematician, his father was a doctor. When Balamurali was three, his family immigrated to Buffalo, New York, from Vellore, India, for better life. Balamurali was an extraordinary child ever since he was born. At the age of four, Ambati was doing calculus and did maths puzzles. At the age of six, he started elementary school and in some weeks of his joining the first grade, Balamurali was put into the second grade. Balamurali’s father motivated his young son to try studying things two times faster because his son was smarter than other children of his age. He achieved two elementary school grades each year and completed his studies in high school in Baltimore at the age of 11. That year, he also wrote a book on medicine with his 17-year-old brother, Jayakrishna, which won an award from the American Medical Association. Some activities that interested Balamurali when he was growing up included basketball, chess, ping-pong and video games. At secondary school, he was keen on biology, which later helped him to choose a profession in medicine. By the time he was 13 years old, he had completed his studies at New York University and went on to study at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, which he successfully completed and was awarded with a doctor diploma at the young age of 17. In 1995, according to the Guinness Book of World Records he was the world’s youngest doctor, at the age of seventeen. Balamurali said that by the age of 7 he had decided on his future profession. “I spilled a pot of very hot water onto myself. I was in the hospital for a few months. I understood then I wanted to do something where I could help sick people.” Presently, Dr Ambati is known as a brilliant ophthalmologist who has made significant contributions to medical science. He is a person who loves to explore and comes up with new forms of treatments for abnormal levels of diseases. Dr Ambati has got a lot of awards for his medical brilliance. He has also volunteered to work with Orbis International, a charity organisation, which offers medical help to many developing countries around the world. 1. Balamurali was born in India. (T/F/NS) 2. Balamurali was born into a teacher’s family. (T/F/NS) 3. When Balamurali was a 6 year old boy he joined the second grade. (T/F/NS) 4. At the age of thirteen Balamurali completed his studies at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. (T/F/NS) 5. At sixteen, Balamurali became the youngest doctor ever. (T/F/NS) 6. Balamurali decided to be a doctor as he was keen on biology. (T/F/NS) 7. Dr. Ambati has got a lot of international awards. (T/F/NS)
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