
11.7. Передайте следующие предложения в действительном залоге. Введите любые подходящие подлежащие, где необходимо. E.g. The doctor was sent for. – They sent for the doctor. 1. Coca Cola is still made in Dallas, Texas. 2. Who are these notes written by? 3. Walkman cassette players were developed by the Japanese. 4. The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler. 5. Twenty Concords have been made at a cost of $55 million. 6. No Beetles have been made in Europe since 1974. 7. Many people will be given new hearts. 8. Can this rule be explained again? 9. Were they shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s generosity? 10. Smoking shouldn’t be allowed in hospitals. 11. He has been brought up to be polite.

Английский язык



ответ: Manufacturers still make Coca-Cola in Dallas, Texas. Who writes these notes? Japanese developed Walkman cassette players. Asa Candler bought the business.

They have made twenty at a cost of $55 million. The have made no Beatles in Europe since 1974. The clinic will give people new hearts. Can you explain this rule again? Did Miss de Beaumont’s generosity shock they? Hospitals shouldn't let smoke. They brought him up to be polite.


ответ 1. They still make coca cola in Dalley, Texas



Время Present Perfect образуется по схеме: have/has + глагол III-й формы/глагол с окончанием ed.

Употребление времени Present Perfect:

- только что завершённое действие
The plane has just landed.

- результат завершённого действия очевиден
She has cleaned her room. It looks so nice.

- когда произошедшее в действие является значимым для момента речи в настоящем
I have washed my hands so I can help you with the cooking.

- используется в предложении с превосходной степенью сравнения прилагательных, порядковых числительных, словом "the only"
It's the best salad I have ever eaten in this restuarant.

- когда период времени (today, this morning), в котором происходило действие, не завершен к моменту речи
The secretary has emailed three letters this morning.

- момент начала действия обозначен словом since, а его продолжение - for
It hasn't rained here since March.

- могут использоваться наречия ever, never, recently, always, all my life, so far, для выражения незавершённого действия в связанного с настоящим
Have you ever traveled by plane?

Время Present Perfect Continuous образуется по схеме: have/has + been + глагол с окончанием ing.

Употребление времени Present Perfect Continuous:

- действие началось в и продолжается в настоящий момент
I have been eating this apple since early morning.

- длительное действие, началось в и закончилось, результат действия очевиден в настоящем
Her feet hurt. She has been walking all morning.


Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world and the deepest lake in the world. Baikal is one of the ten largest lakes in the world. Its average depth is about 730 meters, maximum – 1637 meters. In 1996 Baikal was included in the UNESCO world heritage list. The valley of geysers is one of the largest geyser fields in the world and the only one in Eurasia. The valley of Geysers is located in Kamchatka in Kronotsky state biosphere reserve. At the confluence of the Geyser and Noisy on the territory of about 2 km. kV is about 20 large geysers and many sources periodically emit fountains of almost boiling water or hot steam. The monument erected on Mamayev Kurgan – a monumental and majestic ensemble "Heroes of the battle of Stalingrad" – captured the epic of the courage and fearlessness of the defenders of Stalingrad during the fierce battle for the city. The main monument of the composition, a giant sculpture “Motherland calls” The sculpture is a 52-meter-high figure of a woman, rapidly moving forward and calling for her sons. Mamayev Kurgan is called the main height of Russia, a sacred place for all Slavs. Peterhof is a Palace and Park ensemble on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, 29 km from St. Petersburg. Located in the city of Peterhof . From it comes the name of the Peterhof road. It is under the jurisdiction of the State Museum-reserve "Peterhof". St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral) is one of the most famous sights of Russia. For many inhabitants of the planet Earth it is a symbol of Moscow. One of the oldest churches in Russia, one of the most beautiful decorations in Moscow, the first in the list of the most important symbols of Russia. Weathering pillars (outliers) on the man-Pupu-ner plateau are the hallmark of the Urals. Once the weathering Poles were objects of worship Mansi. In connection with the mysterious origin of these pillars, the local population — Mansi, Komi and Russian — created various legends about their appearance. Once upon a time, Elbrus was an active volcano, and now it is listed in the group of the largest extinct volcanoes of the planet. Elbrus is the highest volcanic peak, following behind her, mount Damavand is inferior to the Elbrus at the altitude of 38 metres. The height of Elbrus is 5642 meters. Few volcanic mountains of the globe surpass Elbrus in height.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

11.7. Передайте следующие предложения в действительном залоге. Введите любые подходящие подлежащие, где необходимо. E.g. The doctor was sent for. – They sent for the doctor. 1. Coca Cola is still made in Dallas, Texas. 2. Who are these notes written by? 3. Walkman cassette players were developed by the Japanese. 4. The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler. 5. Twenty Concords have been made at a cost of $55 million. 6. No Beetles have been made in Europe since 1974. 7. Many people will be given new hearts. 8. Can this rule be explained again? 9. Were they shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s generosity? 10. Smoking shouldn’t be allowed in hospitals. 11. He has been brought up to be polite.
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