
4 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. Do you wear a uniform in your school? Why why not? What do you think of cheating in tests? 3 Do you think your school is strict? Why Why not? We don't have to wear a uniform because ... I think cheating is bad because ... Our school is very strict because we always have to ...

Английский язык



mark twain (born mark twain, samuel langhorne real name clemens (born samuel langhorne clemens); november 30, 1835, the settlement of florida (missouri) - april 21, 1910, redding (conn.) buried in elmira (ny ) - american writer, journalist and social activist. his work spans many genres - humor, satire, philosophical fiction, journalism, etc., and in all these genres, he has consistently taken the position of the humanist and democrat.william faulkner wrote that mark twain was "the first truly american writer, and all of us ever since - his heirs" and ernest hemingway wrote that all modern american literature comes from one book by mark twain called "the adventures of huckleberry finn ". russian writer of mark twain especially warmly maxim gorky and alexander kuprin.

 Life expectancy: 25 years 
Pregnancy: 12 - 14 months (depending on species) 
Number of young: 1 
Weight newborn zebra: 25 - 40 kg 
interesting facts 
Each zebra own unique pattern of stripes - like a fingerprint of human fingers. 
Zebra lying in the dust and dirt to clean up. They shake off the dirt to get rid of lost hair and exfoliate the skin. 
Zebras have their own "smile" - a grin that is welcoming and helps prevent aggression. 
Zebras attract black and white stripes. Even if you draw these stripes on the wall, a zebra will come to him and will stand side by side. 
Zebra sees in the dark as well as a cat or an owl.
Продолжительность жизни: 25 лет
Беременность: 12 - 14 месяцев (в зависимости от вида)
Количество детенышей: 1
Вес новорожденной зебры: 25 - 40 кг
Интересные факты
У каждой зебры свой уникальный рисунок из полос - подобно отпечаткам человеческих пальцев.
Зебры валяются в пыли или грязи, чтобы почиститься. Они стряхивают с себя грязь, чтобы избавиться от выпавших волос и отшелушившейся кожи.
Зебры имеют собственную "улыбку" - оскал, который служит приветствием и предотвратить агрессию.
Зебра видит в темноте также хорошо, как кошка или сова.

(если надо можно что нибудь убрать)

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4 Work with a partner. Answer the questions. Do you wear a uniform in your school? Why why not? What do you think of cheating in tests? 3 Do you think your school is strict? Why Why not? We don't have to wear a uniform because ... I think cheating is bad because ... Our school is very strict because we always have to ...
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