
Write six sentences with who, where, why and which. Then play a guessing game with a partner​

Английский язык



1. Who are my parents?

2. Where am I from?

3. Why would I move to another country?

4. Which/what sport do I do?

In the life of every person comes the moment of choosing a profession. This is a responsible step, which everyone must do himself. In childhood we dream of becoming a teacher, policeman, doctor, driver, actress, singer, cosmonaut and even president. Playing in childhood in adulthood, for us there are no impossible tasks. But time passes and childhood goes away, forgetting to give up on parting. We had no time to look back, as we approached the threshold of adulthood. There will not be more games. But no one will take our dream away from us. All that we need to take with us to adulthood is a childhood dream.

A dream is the beginning of all professions. Someone wants to travel and write books, someone to become a chef and open a restaurant, someone dreams of becoming a designer and coming up with their own collection of clothes, and someone wants to bring knowledge to children. Realize your dream, become what you want do you want to be .

The world of professions is diverse and surprising. And every profession is important. There are no important or important professions. All of them are needed, simply in a variety of ways. In choosing a profession, one must be treated responsibly and deliberately, because you will need to associate with her all your life. As the ancient philosopher Confucius said: "Choose a job for your soul, and you do not have to work a single day in your life." After all, doing what you really like is very cool. To receive pleasure and joy from your work. Your work will reflect you professional in this matter, as you will invest in it a piece of the soul. Just imagine how it's "cool" to wake up with the thoughts that today you will make a lot of new things. But if you choose a profession you do not like, you will never get from it that pleasure. Neither prestige nor high wages will bring you that simple joy. You will wake up with thoughts: "Again to work, when already vacation." And you will live from Saturday to Saturday in anticipation of vacation. You can not feel that there are a lot of bright moments in life, because your work will be routine for you and you will perform it automatically. So your whole life will pass, in anticipation of the weekends and holidays. Do not let this happen! Choose a profession that you like. That she likes you and that you will be useful.

I study in the ninth grade and start to think about my future profession. I take responsibility for choosing a profession, because the choice of a profession determines your future path. I want my profession to be interesting for me not only when I am studying, but also after graduation. Because many people like to study, and they do not like working in this activity, and they go to work not in their specialty. In my future profession it is important for me that it is interesting for me. All the professions are so different, but in one they are connected. It is not important what kind of work you choose, it is important what benefit you bring to the people of the country!
Bella Sergei

Роев ручей» - одна из «визитных карточек» Красноярска. А «визитная карточка «Роева ручья» - красавец белый медведь по прозвищу Командор Седов, подаренный парку губернатором Красноярского края Александром Хлопониным.

История парка «Роев ручей» началась совсем недавно, история же замысла — значительно раньше. Как известно, небольшой «живой уголок» при заповеднике «Столбы» существовал ни одно десятилетие. Его как пункт первой животным вместе с мужем Джеймсом Дулькейтом в начале 60–х годов открыла одна из первых директоров заповедника Елена Крутовская. Выживал «приют для животных» только за счет энтузиазма его сотрудников. Красноярцы чем могли животным. Однако клеток давно не хватало, рацион становился все бедней, часто зверей нечем было кормить.

«Роев ручей» – это то место, где душа горожанина размягчается и отдыхает. Квалифицированные экскурсоводы расскажут много интересного о любом обитателе Парка. Каждый год в Парке рождаются и подрастают малыши. Каждый день здесь нов и необычен. Обитатели «Роева ручья» живут своей таинственной полной загадок для человека жизнью. Здесь можно совершенно случайно подсмотреть удивительные и забавные сцены из жизни братьев наших меньших.

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Write six sentences with who, where, why and which. Then play a guessing game with a partner​
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