
Short hair (suit) you very much. 2 Her luggage (be) too heavy to carry. 3 How much (do) the jeans cost? 4 Their new furniture (look) really nice. 5 The money he gets from his new job (be) very good. 6 Do you know any people who (have) unusual jobs? 7 My new pyjamas (not/fit) me very well. 8 Why (be) there so much rubbish in the garden? 9 Mrs Laurie always wears jewellery which (cost) very much

Английский язык



ответ: 1. Давай выйдем сейчас. Дождь больше не идёт. Глаголы: go(to go) present simple, isn’t raining (to rain) present continuous

2.я встаю в восемь часов каждое утро. Глаголы: get up(to get up) present simple

3. У тебя было время написать письмо? Нет, у меня не было. Глаголы: did have (to have) past simple, didn’t (to do) past simple

4. Что ты делал в десять часов вчера ночью? Глаголы: we’re doing (to do) past continuous

5. Ты когда-либо кушал икру? Глаголы: have eaten (to eat) present perfect

6. Многие аварии случаются по причине неосторожного вождения. Глаголы: are caused( to cause) passive voice in present simple

7. Меня не часто приглашают на вечеринки. Глаголы: am not invited (to invite) passive voice in present simple


In the first photo, a girl is typing something. I guess, she writes to her friend or maybe to someone else who’s important to her. Maybe she writes email to her family member. Teenagers these days prefer to communicate through electronic gadgets. I think it is very easy and fast way to communicate. In the second photo, there are two oldish people who are enjoying their time together in very beautiful way. The are together sitting on the bench and laughing. Maybe the old man said something funny. Old people are used to meet each other in person to speak about something it is also fine because you can see the person’s face expression. First photo shows the easiest fastest and also cheapest way of communication and the second shows maybe not the most popular way to communicate but more beautiful. This is all I wanted to say.

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Short hair (suit) you very much. 2 Her luggage (be) too heavy to carry. 3 How much (do) the jeans cost? 4 Their new furniture (look) really nice. 5 The money he gets from his new job (be) very good. 6 Do you know any people who (have) unusual jobs? 7 My new pyjamas (not/fit) me very well. 8 Why (be) there so much rubbish in the garden? 9 Mrs Laurie always wears jewellery which (cost) very much
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