
1)what is the balloon couture fashion show? 2)what can you see there? 3)how do the designers make the clothes? 4)how long does it take to make the clothes? 5) what kinds of clothes do designers make? 6) what is special about these clothes? ​

Английский язык



Давайте продолжим нашу работу и обсудим ремонт нашего парового котла.

- А какой именно ремонт он требует?

- Очистка воды и каминов, ремонт всех аксессуаров и автоматических устройств-вот что нужно нашему котлу. Кроме того, мы также планируем провести замену трех вышедших из строя водопроводных труб.

- А в чем проблема?

- Видите ли, они искажены в сторону верхней Трубной пластины.

- А, это. Как правило, самой рас причиной поломки труб является нехватка воды. Вот почему я хотел бы знать, была ли утечка воды из котла.

- Нет, там ничего не было, но трубки случайно оказались открытыми в верхней части.

- А каков диаметр трубок?

- 36 мм.

- Мне очень жаль, но у нас нет термостойких труб такого диаметра.

- Неужели? Какая жалость!

- Не волнуйся, мы как-нибудь уладим этот во Может быть, мы закажем трубки в Дании или где-нибудь еще.

Paikina Natalya30
Wales is a country situated in the west of britain. st. david is the patron saint of wales. on 1 st march, st. david's day, patriotic welsh people wear a leek or a daffodil, both symbols of wales. the population of wales is about three million. the area of wales is 20,764 sq. km. wales is agricurtural, there are few cities there, rather small and unimportant. the west coast, mid wales and north wales are wild and beautiful. wales has high mountains, including mount snowdon, the second highest mountain in britain. snowdon looks very peaceful and beautiful. cardiff, the modern capital of wales, has a roman castle and a modern shopping centre. cardiff is an industrial city, which also has a cathedral, a university. every year, an international festival called eisteddfod is held in the town of llangollen. people come from all over the world to recite poetry, sing and dance in this colourful competition. there are two national languages in wales - the welsh language, which is spoken widely, especially in the north of the country and english. both these languages are taught in schools. there is also welsh and british tv channels. rugby is the national game of wales. the rules of the game are quite difficult. a team consists of fifteen players. the game is played with an egg-shaped ball. there are three national parks in wales. these parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty, but some people live and work there. the flag of wales, with its red dragon, is one of the oldest in the world. it was brought to britain by the romans. the welsh call their country cymru and themselves cymry, a word which has the same root as a "camrador" (friend, comrade).

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1)what is the balloon couture fashion show? 2)what can you see there? 3)how do the designers make the clothes? 4)how long does it take to make the clothes? 5) what kinds of clothes do designers make? 6) what is special about these clothes? ​
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