Ilearn english every day. he drives his car very often. they moved to another city a year ago. he went home at 8 yesterday. i will be happy. he will go home in one hour.
1. the fashion for mini-skirt (reduced) the demand for textile materials. 2. even in (some) middle-income countries many people are very poor. 3. government regulations sometimes (impose) a change in (technology) that producers do not want to use. 4. stabilization of prices is of great importance to industrial nations (as well as) to the third world countries. 5. freeing up prices leads to their (increase). 6. (inferior) goods are usually low-quality goods for which there are higher-quality (substitutes) sold at higher prices. 7. a decrease in ( input) prices makes the production less expensive.
1) atmospheric conditions influencing (participle i, определение) the properties of polymer materials are light, moisture and temperature. атмосферные условия, влияющие на свойства полимерных материалов – свет, влажность, температура. 2) while making (participle i, обстоятельство) an experiment students put down the necessary data. проводя эксперимент, студенты записывали необходимые данные. 3) using (participle i, обстоятельство) modern methods of control the engineers tested new mining equipment. инженеры испытывали новое горнорудное оборудование, используя современные методы . 4) some gases are always trying (participle i, часть сказуемого) to expand. некоторые газы всегда стремятся расшириться. 5) how can the kinetic energy of moving body be expressed? (нет причастия в этом предложении. moving – это герундий)
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