
Написать сочинение на тему: плюсы жизни в деревне.150слов

Английский язык


Внаше время можно часто встретить деревенских людей, стремящихся вырваться в город. а ведь они даже и не догадываются, какую ошибку при этом совершают. чего хорошего увидишь в городе? суету, грязный воздух и однотипные высотки. а -это просто настоящий оазис в пустыне "городского смога и мертвых высоток". чистый воздух, богатый кислородом, прекрасная природа, удивительный мир животных-и все это в одной маленькой деревушке. просыпаешься в деревне не под надоедливый звук мобильного телефона, а под звонкий крик самого первого петуха. пьешь не хлорированую воду из-под крана, и кристально чистую родниковую. день и ночь за окном поют птицы, дома пахнет черемухой или сиренью. разве есть жизнь прекраснее деревенской? !
Sometimes  you don't have any other choice but to try your chance. there  is  no chance, if you don't take one! you  missed  your chance, you failed this test. he  still  has a chance to win! you  are  lucky, it's  one chance in a million! it  is my pleasure to take part in different competitions! my brother will win this competition, i'm sure! oh, no! our team is loosing the competition! that guy is in luck, he always wins the lottery! i guess, it's not my day, i'm just out of luck!
1. yes, i think so because our politicians and their decisions form the economic and legal terms in wich we live, do business, pay taxes every day. as an example we can remember recent decision to make the parking space in moscow and st. petersburg chargeable. from one point of view drivers were very unhappy with that, but from another side money raised allowed to improve cities' environment: parks, neighborhoods etc. 2. the most famous politician in our country is our president mr vladimir putin. he leads the country in strong and straight way, protects our interests in international area and significantly increased general level of our country in many areas. 3. personally i do believe in politics, however i wouldn't become one. it is high level of responsibility and you would always be criticized, having no real life. that is not for me. 4. ancient philosophers were the beginners of political principles evolution. the most famous philosophers lived in ancient greece: socrat, aristotle and platon who implemented base ideas of politic: moving forward to better life. 5. if you are proactive you can do social life better for sure, but it is difficult to do alone. nowadays our interactions with government are easier and interactive through special applications like gosuslugi or active citizen: you can decide, vote and follow up on the matters. 6. actually i am against social revolutions: it is prepaid provocations these days. bright examples are social revolutions held in georgia and ukraine where a lot of people were died for nothing. 7. of course i think so, and i do believe in peace and globalization, however, our current global situation is scary for me. wars and sanctions, terroristic threats shows that we are not moving forward, our world is currently in dramatic : (

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