suzie: than why did the ambulance came to your house just a half an hour back ?
john: oh, a person who had a high fiver had called the ambulance and accidently told them the wrong address.
suzie: i was worried, i thought that may be something happened to you.
john: why were you worried about me?
suzie: because you are my neighbor
john: if you were worried then why did you came personally and asked me if i am alright?
suzie: jack went to his parent and there is no one except of him with who i can leave the bay alone.
john: oh, okay, i am glad to have such side neighbor like you, good night
suzie: i am glad too, good night
1-What a day,the lecture is boring.- Что за день, лекция такая скучная
2-What a bad person,his habits are harmful.- Какой плохой человек, его привычки вредны
3-What a beautiful day today I saw the Volga,the Volga is a powerful river.-Какой прекрасный день сегодня я увидел Волгу,Волга-это мощная река.
4-what kind of writer, his book is interesting-что это за писатель, его книга интересна
5-what a bad thing to do,this man is very unpleasant.-какой плохой поступок,этот человек очень неприятен.
6-what child,she has a gold heart.-какое дитя, у нее золотое сердце.
7-what a wonderful President,our country is rich.-какой замечательный президент, наша страна богата.
8-what a winter,snow is white.-что за зима, снег совсем белый.
9-what a lovely counter, the ice cream is delicious.-какой прекрасный прилавок, мороженое вкусное.
10-what a funny zoo,the monkeys are funny-какой забавный зоопарк, обезьяны такие забавные
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