
Проверить текст, если есть ошибки исправьте. буду признательна. two thousand years ago the roman conquest of the british isles. they were at that time inhabited by celtic tribes and the romans were the most developed nation in the world. in 55 bc the romans invaded the domain of the celts. celtic warriors fiercely attacked by aliens, and the romans came back with nothing. a year later, the roman troops attacked again and defeated the celts. in fact, the british isles were conquered. the celts continued to wage war against the roman troops. to protect their conquest, the romans had to be placed in a permanent british troops - and they brought in this region their culture. they built roads, bridges, baths and much more. they left in the local language a lot of latin words. roman rule ended in 407. the roman legions were withdrawn from the islands to protect the central province of barbarians, and never went back there.

Английский язык


Ябы так сделал  two thousand years ago the roman conquerors of the british isles. they at that time was inhabited by celts and romans were the most developed country in the world. in 55 bc, the romans took over the domain of the celts. celtic warriors furiously attacked the romans and the romans came back with nothing. a year later, the roman troops attacked again and defeated the celts. in fact, the british islands were conquered. the celts continued to wage war against the roman troops. to protect their gains, the romans had to be located in a permanent british troops - and bring in this region their culture. they built roads, bridges, baths and much more. they spoke the local language lot of latin words. roman rule, which ended in 407. the roman legions were withdrawn from islands to protect the central province of barbarians, and never go back.
All children are very naive, friendly and shy. you have naughty dog, it never listen to your orders. teacher doesn’t have the right to call the student " stupid", even if the student does not understand the lesson. i think, that my friend is very clever, kind and polite. do not be rude with your friends. firefighters are very brave people! keep calm and carry on. you must be hard-working, and not be lazy, to get good grades. be serious! are you in romantic mood? newborn kittens are very clumsy and cute. caregivers need to be patient with children. i don’t think you're curious, because you do not ask me many questions. this book is very useful and interesting. it's boring for me to sit at home in good weather. a lot of today's young people are very selfish.
Однажды со мной произошел неприятный случай. мы с другом были на железнодорожном вокзале и ждали поезда, чтобы уехать в отпуск на несколько дней. погода была теплая, солнышко припекало, и мне стало жарко. я хотела снять свитер и остаться в легкой блузке. я положила свою сумочку, в которой были все документы, билеты и деньги на скамейку, около которой мы стояли, и стала переодеваться.   у моего свитера был маленький вырез, и я немножко замешкалась, снимая его через голову. когда я сняла свитер, я обнаружила, что сумочки на скамейке нет, а впереди мелькала фигура убегающего подростка. оказывается, мой друг в это время отвлекся на какой-то звук, и мою сумочку украли.   я была в шоке. я начала плакать и   кричать, а мой знакомый не растерялся и побежал за убегавшим юношей. самое интересное случилось позже. когда подростка поймали и подвели к нам, я увидела, что мою сумочку держала в руках симпатичная девушка в спортивном костюме и красной бейсболке. грустно, что воришкой оказалась такая красивая особа. подъехал поезд, и мы отправились в наше небольшое путешествие, но настроение было испорчено.     one day my friend and i were at the railway station and waited for the train to go on a holiday for a few days. the weather was warm, the sun shone very brightly and i was hot. i wanted to put off my sweater. i put my purse, where there were all my documents, tickets and money on a bench near the place, where we stood, and began to change. my sweater had a very small cutout , and i hesitated a little, shooting it through the head. when i put off my sweater, i didn’t see my purse on the bench but i noticed one fleeing figure looking like a teenager. perhaps my friend was distracted by a noise, and my purse was stolen. i was shocked. i started to cry and scream and my friend kept his head and ran after the fleeing boy. the most interesting thing happened later. when the teenager was caught and brought to us, i saw that my purse was holding a pretty girl in a tracksuit and a red baseball cap. it was so sad that the thief was so such a beautiful lady. our   train arrived, and we went to our little adventure, but the mood was spoilt.

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Проверить текст, если есть ошибки исправьте. буду признательна. two thousand years ago the roman conquest of the british isles. they were at that time inhabited by celtic tribes and the romans were the most developed nation in the world. in 55 bc the romans invaded the domain of the celts. celtic warriors fiercely attacked by aliens, and the romans came back with nothing. a year later, the roman troops attacked again and defeated the celts. in fact, the british isles were conquered. the celts continued to wage war against the roman troops. to protect their conquest, the romans had to be placed in a permanent british troops - and they brought in this region their culture. they built roads, bridges, baths and much more. they left in the local language a lot of latin words. roman rule ended in 407. the roman legions were withdrawn from the islands to protect the central province of barbarians, and never went back there.
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