
Write down questions daniel has already answered about his summer holidays. 1. how many a difficult question. i think i have a lot of friends in different countries. 2. go hiking with my friends from my schools travel club. 3. what the summer, i dont like getting up early. usually, around 10 am.

Английский язык


1. how many friends have you got? it's a difficult question. i think i have got a lot of friends in different countries.2. who goes hiking from your schools travel club? i go hiking with my friends from my school's travel club.3. what time  do you get up in summer? in the summer, i dont like getting up early. usually, around 10 am.
1. how many friends do you have  ? its a difficult question. i think i have a lot of friends in different countries. 2. who goes hiking   from your schools travel club.? i go hiking with my friends from my schools travel club. 3. what time   do you get up in summer? in the summer,i dont like getting up early. usually,around 10 am.


1 dangerously. 2 perfect. 3 happily. 4 easily 5 dangerous. 6 angrily. 7 happy.8 perfectly. 9 happily. 10 bad. 11 careful. 12 quietly 13 badly 14 good


1) dangerously - опасно. я иногда люблю жить опасно

2 твои ответы были все отличные. perfect - отличные. 3 она улыбнулась счастливо,когда я увидела её. 4 это легко говорить на . 5 река опасное место для плавания. 6 она посмотрела на нас злобно. 7 мой дядя не счастливая персона.8она говорит на отлично. 9 учительница не была счастлива с нами. 10 я имел плохой день вчера. 11 ты должен быть осторожный,когда ты залезаешь на дерево. 12 сиди тихо и жди меня. 13 она играет на гитаре реально плохо. 14 оценка была хорошей в тесте.


  britain is a nation of smartphone addicts,with one in three smartphone users – 11 million uk adults – looking at their device within five minutes of waking up.the waking routine of most smartphone owners now starts with checking who has been in touch with them overnight, according to new research by deloitte on uk mobile usage habits.deloitte’s research also shows people can’t leave their phones alone once awake, with about one in six looking at them more than 50 times a day.18-24 year-olds are the most intensive users, checking their device on average 53 times a day and for 13 per cent the figure is more than 100 times.

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Write down questions daniel has already answered about his summer holidays. 1. how many a difficult question. i think i have a lot of friends in different countries. 2. go hiking with my friends from my schools travel club. 3. what the summer, i dont like getting up early. usually, around 10 am.
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