When I'm sick, my mother takes care of me. First of all, mom makes tea and measures the temperature. Then mom goes to the pharmacy and buys medicine. After mom gives me medicine she goes to cook me broth. When I eat, I go to bed. After I wake up, my mother measures the temperature again and makes sure that everything is fine. In principle, this is all, then repeat everything until I recover.
Коли я хворію мама про мене піклується. В першу чергу мама заварює чай і міряє температуру. Потім мама йде в аптеку і купляє ліки. Після того як мама дасть мені ліки вона йде варити мені бульйон. Коли я поїм, я лягаю спати . Після того як я проснусь мама знов міряє температуру і переконується що все добре. Впринципі це все, далі все повторюєть аж до поки я не виздоровію.
My favourite meal is macaroni and cheese. The ingredients are as follows: 1. Box of Elbo Macroni or your favourite pasta; about 3 1/2 cups of finely grated, chedder cheese; 3 eggs; 1 stick of butter; 2 cups of evaporated milk; black pepper to taste; salt to taste; 1/2 cup chopped green peppers; 1/2 cup of chopped onions; 1 chopped bird pepper or a piece of your favourite pepper to taste and paprika.
What you want to do is, in a pot half full of boiling water (with salt to taste) pour a box of Elbo macroni. Let the marconi/pasta cook until soft, being careful to stir occasionally so it doesn't stick. Remove from heat and let drain. Pour the pasta into a bowl. Mix in 3 cups of the grated cheese, and all the other ingrediants except the paprika. In a large, square baking pan (at least 2″ to 2 1/2 inches deep that is able to hold all of the mixture), pour the mixture. Sprinkle the last 1/2 cup of cheese evenly over the mixture. Then, sprinkle the top of the whole mixture with some paprika. Put in a hot oven and bake at 350° f for 1 hour. Remove from the oven. While warm, cut in squares 2″ x 3″ or as desired. Serve while warm.
Eat with your favourite baked (bar-ba-que) meat. Do enjoy.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Fill in the blanks with speak, tell or say. 1) she'll us about her visit to samara. 2) brian me that he didn't like the science lesson. 3) "don't ask too many questions, " my father 4) french students english well. 5) the doctor that i must drink a lot of carrot juice. 6) "can i to mary, please? " - " i'm afraid she is not at home."
1) she'll tell us about her visit to samara.
2) brian told me that he didn't like the science lesson.
3) "don't ask too many questions," my father said .
4) french students speak english well.
5) the doctor says that i must drink a lot of carrot juice.
6) "can i speak to mary, please? " - " i'm afraid she is not at home."