
Переделайте в косвенную речь ! 1. jane said: "what are you doing"? 2. she said: "did you invite him to the party? " 3. "have you finished your exams? " he asked me. 4. my friend said: "does your sister live in saransk? " 5. mother asked her daughter: "have you hurt your leg? " 6. he said to the shop assistant: "how much does it cost? " 7. "have you ever been to the usa? " they said to me. 8. steve said: "where did you stay in moscow? " 9. my father said to me: "can you pass me the magazine? " 10. they asked: "what time will the train arrive? "

Английский язык


1. jane asked what i was  (we  were) doing 2. she asked if i had invited him to the party 3. he asked me if i had finished my exams. 4. my friend asked if my sister lived in saransk 5. mother asked her daughter if she had hurt her leg  6. he asked   the shop assistant how much   it cost 7. they asked me if i had ever been to the usa 8. steve asked where i stayed in moscow 9. my father asked me whether i could pass him a magazine 10. they asked what time the train would arrive
Odnoy iz vazhneyshikh zadach sovremennoy shkoly yavlyayetsya sozdaniye neobkhodimykh i polnotsennykh usloviy dlya kazhdogo individual'nogo razvitiya kazhdogo rebonka, formirovaniye aktivnoy pozitsii kazhdogo uchashchegosya v uchebnom protsesse. ispol'zovaniye aktivnykh form obucheniya yavlyayetsya osnovoy razvitiya poznavatel'noy kompetentnosti shkol'nika. aktivnyye poznavatel'nyye sposobnosti formiruyutsya i razvivayutsya v protsesse poznavatel'noy deyatel'nosti. kogda rebonok ne prosto slushatel', aktivnyy uchastnik v poznavatel'nom protsesse, svoim trudom dobyvayet znaniya. takim obrazom, v kachestve osnovnykh neosporimykh dostoinstv vystupayut: vysokaya stepen' samostoyatel'nosti, initsiativnost', razvitiye sotsial'nykh navykov, umeniye dobyvat' znaniya, razvitiye tvorcheskikh sposobnostey. chuvstvo svobody vybora delayet soznatel'nyy, produktivnym i boleye rezul'tativnym. odnoy iz form uchebno - vospitatel'nogo protsessa, sostavlyayushchego chast' vospitaniya, yavlyayetsya vneklassnaya rabota po fizike. ya dumayu, chto pravil'no postavlennaya vneklassnaya rabota v shkole imeyet bol'shoye obrazovatel'noye i vospitatel'noye znacheniye. ona rasshiryayet i razvivayet znaniya, poluchennyye na uroke, vozmozhno poluchit' mnogo poleznykh navykov, a, sledovatel'no, priblizhayet obucheniye i vospitaniye k zhizni. pri vsem mnogoobrazii form vneklassnaya rabota po fizike dolzhna byt' svyazana so shkol'noy programmoy, vykhodit' za predely i vmeste s tem dopolnyat' yeye, to yest' dolzhna sushchestvovat' tesnaya vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu uchebnoy i vneurochnoy rabotoy.
1. quite a large number of definitions are given to statistics as a science.  2.   the war brought major changes in the programme of statistical work and the methods of observation and processing.  3. all progressive knowledge in the modern world is tend to precision.  4. at present many countries are declaring themselves republics, some of them become independent and encourage the use of local languages.  5. they had been working there for more than three hours when it happened. 6. nowadays some difficult economic problems are solved on the basis of statistical data.  7. a theory is known to be tested by practice. 

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Переделайте в косвенную речь ! 1. jane said: "what are you doing"? 2. she said: "did you invite him to the party? " 3. "have you finished your exams? " he asked me. 4. my friend said: "does your sister live in saransk? " 5. mother asked her daughter: "have you hurt your leg? " 6. he said to the shop assistant: "how much does it cost? " 7. "have you ever been to the usa? " they said to me. 8. steve said: "where did you stay in moscow? " 9. my father said to me: "can you pass me the magazine? " 10. they asked: "what time will the train arrive? "
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