
Задать 5 вопросов к предложению last weekend i visited a picture gallery

Английский язык



did i  visit  a picture gallery last weekend? - общий

when did i  visit a picture gallery? - специальный

who visited a picture gallery last weekend ? - специальный к подлежащему

did i visit  a picture gallery  or a museum last weekend ? - альтернативный

last weekend i visited a picture gallery, didn*t i? - разделительный



when did you visit the picture gallery?

who visited the picture gallery last weekend?

what did you visit last weekend?

did you visit thepicture gallery last weekend?

what kind of gallery did you visit?

Это снова я. есть много, чтобы сделать после школы, особенно вид спорта, который мне нравится больше всего. я люблю много спорта, но лучше всего футбола. почти все мои друзья в нашей сборной по футболу. мы упорно тренироваться, и мы часто играют для школы в различных региональных молодежных турнирах. наш тренер научил нас все жесткие правила, которые должны строго соблюдаться. последняя игра, мы играли закончился вничью - 3: 3. и хотя мы знаем, знаменитый олимпийский цитату "самое главное не победа, а принять участие", мы все хотим, чтобы выиграть нибудь. я занимаюсь спортом каждый день. после школы по понедельникам я бегать с друзьями в течение приблизительно часа. тогда я иду к бассейну. плавание является отличным способом, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме. это делает ваши ноги и тело сильным. пеле, величайший футболист всех времен, мой кумир в футболе. он стал мировой звездой в возрасте всего лишь 17 лет, когда бразилия впервые выиграл кубок мира в швеции. он играл в четырех соревнованиях кубка мира и забил более 1.200 голов в своей карьере, прежде чем финлей пенсию в 1977 г. в 1994 г. он стал бразильский специальный министр спорта. я счастлив, что у меня есть заниматься спортом. это мне стать нужным и я надеюсь, что это будет способствовать развитию уверенности, настойчивости, ответственности и мужества, которые являются наиболее важными качествами, чтобы стать личностью. кроме того, спорт дает вам чувство долга, чувство коллективизма и дисциплины.
1. when we went out, it was  raining. 2. i was not hungry last night. i did  not  eat anything.  3. were  you  watching television when i phoned you? 4.  jane   was not at home when i went to see her. she was  working. 5. i  got up early this morning. i washed, dressed and then i had breakfast.. 6. the postman came while i was  having breakfast. 7. we met joan at the party. she was  wearing a red dress. 8. the boys broke a window when they were  playing football. 9. i was late but my friends were  waiting for me when i arrived. 10. i got up at 7 . the sun was  shining, so i went for a walk. 11. he was  not  driving fast when the accident happened.  12. margaret did  not  go to work yesterday. she was ill.  13. what did  you  do on saturday evening? – i went to the cinema.  14. what were  you  doing at 9.30 on saturday evening? – i was  watching a film in the cinema. 15.  jane   was  waiting for me when i  arrived. 16. what  were  you  doing  this time yesterday? – i was asleep. 17. did  you  go out last night? – no, i was too tired. 18. was carol at the party last night? – yes, she was  wearing a really nice dress.  19. john took a photo of me while i was  not  looking. 20. we were in a very difficult position. we did  not  know what to do. 21. i have not seen alan for ages. when i last saw him, he was  trying to find a  job  in london.  22. i was  walking along the street when suddenly i heard footsteps behind me. somebody was  following me. i was frightened and i started to run.  23. when i was young, i wanted to be a bus driver. 24. i was  mending my sails one day when a man i had worked with before walked up and asked me if i’d like to have a drink. 25. i thought he probably had more than just a friendly drink in mind, so i stopped what i was  doing, wiped off my hands, and followed him to the local drink shop. 26. it was there that i found out that he recruited people to work on necho’s project. 27. nowadays, everybody knows about our journey, but then, it sounded a bit strange. 28. a first i thought the man was  trying to play a trick on me. 29. but the more he was  talking, the better it sounded – a real adventure. 30. i got tired of the same old sea routes year after year. 31. besides, i thought it would be a great trading opportunity; the route to carthage, across greek waters, was  getting more and more dangerous. 32. one evening while i was  sitting under a tree with the wind in my face and a big mango to eat, i almost decided to stay there for the rest of my life. 33. we saw thousands of birds there, but these were alive: they were  flying over, on their way south for the winter. 34. in december, when i was  getting home, i made sure that no one told my family before i arrived. 35. when i walked through the door, my wife was  putting supper on the table, and my children – whom i hardly recognized – were  playing by the fireplace. 36. i had an uncomfortable feeling that he was  laughing at me. 37. they moved into the shelter. the rain came down. 38. the general was  waiting on the platform when i arrived at camberley. 39. i only wanted to know if you came on saturday. 40. i knew that they went out last night. 41. then he noticed jack. he was  standing in front of the fire and was  talking italian to a man in glasses. 42. when i came up to her she was  searching through a velvet bag which she always carried for her spectacles which she always lost.  43. as they were  drinking coffee, ted said: ‘now tell me about yourself’. 44. he came forward as we were  climbing out of the car and held his hand to my father. 45. while she was  waiting for the kettle to boil she was  sitting by the table.  46. he did  not  say a word while we were  eating.  47. she tore her dress while she was  changing.  48. while we were  talking beryl came out of the house.

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