
Всем доброго дня. нужно десять (или больше) предложений на тему отдыха в греции (чем интересна греция, почему в нее стоит поехать отдыхать прошу без гуглопереводов, гугл с грамматикой не дружит. лучшее решение отмечаю всегда.

Английский язык


My travelling to greece was really magical. great weather, warm sea and a lot of sightseeing made me happy. the most unforgettable place of unterest in greece is athens. i can talk about it countless and every story will be more and more interesting. i liked to visit little shops and buy various souvenirs and gifts for my friends. but it is better once to visit greece, its ancient world and to see everything with your own eyes. i certainly will go to greece again to enjoy sun, sea and excursions. i want to see thessaloniki, meteora, delphi, athens, thermopylae and olympus, dion, vergina once more. путешествие в грецию было действительно волшебным. отличная погода, теплое ласковое море и много достопримечательностей делали меня счастливым. самое незабываемое зрелище в греции это афины. рассказывать о них можно долго и интересно, но лучше один раз побывать там, в античном мире и все увидеть своими глазами. мне понравилось посещать маленькие магазинчики и покупать там различные сувениры и подарки для моих друзей.я обязательно поеду в грецию еще раз и буду наслаждаться морем, солнцем и экскурсиями. хочу еще  раз увидеть салоники, метеоры, дельфы, афины, фермопилы и олимп, дион, вергина.
                                                greece. 1)greece is a culrural country with a very rich history. 2)there are a lot of interesting  sightseeings that might be visited. 3)for example, i advice you to go to a nice city called ag.nicolas 4)it is situated  on the coast of mediteranian sea 5) the centure of greece culture is perfectly crit island 6) there are situated a lot of sightseeings like minose's labirint, knosso's palace etc. 7) also the main reason to go there is mild climate. 8) the sea is usually warm, the hot days and chilly evening are waiting for you. 9)all the time hundreds of perfect hotels open, and ready to give you cool holiday. 10) if you decided to go to greece doesn't matter in what part, don't worry your holiday wouldn't go wrong!

letter dinosaur 

lesotozavr was bipedal herbivorous dinosaur, he was one of the smallest and most primitive among all ornithischia dinosaurs. he had a very long neck and small head with large eyes and a long face. the lower jaw ended toothless beak, the upper jaw was armed with small teeth.

most ornithischia dinosaurs had such teeth. leaf-shaped teeth were close to the edge of the jaw. consequently, there was no lesotozavra cheeks. jaws just moved down, so were adapted for biting. forelimbs were short rear - long. tendon brace tail that balances the body and mind during the run. lesotozavr devoured stunted bushes, and at risk could at any time to escape.

You can not touch the grid during the game and stand on the opponent's field. you can not catch the ball; only to beat. when submitting, you can not step outside the line. the feed itself is given 8 seconds. long game up to 25 points, short to 15. one player can not touch the ball 2 times in a row. the team is given 3 touches, after which the ball must get to the opponents. usually the field is divided into 6 zones; the feeder is located in zone number 1. the grid should hang at a height of 2.43 meters. during the game, you can make 6 substitutions.

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Всем доброго дня. нужно десять (или больше) предложений на тему отдыха в греции (чем интересна греция, почему в нее стоит поехать отдыхать прошу без гуглопереводов, гугл с грамматикой не дружит. лучшее решение отмечаю всегда.
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Bolshakova Shigorina