что произошло с господом луканом?
по какой-то причине лорд лукан был известен своим друзьям как «lucky1 lucan». однако в начале 1970-х годов его удача начала рушиться, а в 1974 году, в возрасте 39 лет, он столкнулся с серьезными финансовыми трудностями. я потерял более 2250 000 фунтов стерлингов за игровыми столами по всему миру и был вынужден продать семейное серебро, чтобы погасить часть его долгов. он также был отделен от своей жены и боролся с ней в судах за содержание их троих детей.
но 7 ноября 1974 года леди лукан столкнулась с пабом возле своего дома в белгравии, лондон. она была в крови и кричала: «он убил мою няню! » 1
лукан вошел в дом, вооруженный молотком, намереваясь убить свою жену. он прятался на кухне, когда вошла няня детей, и он убил ее по ошибке. затем он запаниковал и выбежал из дома, нападая на свою жену по дороге. начался обыск в полиции.
но лукан так и не был найден. в день убийства он послал записку своему старому школьному другу, в котором говорилось, что ложь исчезнет за лайм, а заимствованная им машина была найдена в порту нхавен, где, по мнению полиции, он сел на паром во францию. ,
с тех пор скотланд-ярд разыскивал его в разных уголках мира, но - не было.
совсем недавно, в 1995 году, женщина сказала, что она сидела с няней в доме одного из друзей лукуна на следующий день после того, как была найдена машина (ей тогда было 16 лет), и что лукан появился у двери.
так что же случилось? он покончил с собой, возможно, спрыгнув с парома через канал? его жена так думает: он был благородным человеком, говорит она, и вел себя благородно. другие говорят, что вам нужно 150 кг бетона, чтобы держать тело на дне моря - так что, если лукан прыгнул в море> почему его тело так и не было найдено?
или он оставил машину в ньюхейвене и вернулся в лондон (как свидетельствуют показания няни)?
queen elizabeth ii became queen of the united kingdom and head of the commonwealth on february 6, 1952. as of today she has reigned for 60 years, 11 months and 26 days , and she celebrated the diamond (60th) jubilee of her reign in 2012. she is head of the british royal family, has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchilden, and is 86 years, 9 months and 11 days old. she is the 32nd great-granddaughter of king alfred the great who was the first effective king of england 871-899. on 21st december 2007 she became the oldest reigning british monarch having outlived her great-great-grandmother queen victoria who died 22nd january 1901 aged 81 years, 7 months and 29 days. on 12th may 2011 queen elizabeth ii became the 2nd longest reigning monarch in over 1,200 years of british history. she will have to reign until 10th sept 2015 when she will be 89 years old to reign longer than her great-great-grandmother queen victoria who reigned for 63 years and 216 days from 1837-1901. see british kings & queens by length of reign. in 2012 queen elizabeth ii celebrated the diamond (60th) jubilee of her reign. queens diamond jubilee celebrations, and on 20th november 2012 celebrated her 65th wedding anniversary. her eldest son prince charles who was 64 years old on 14th november 2012 is currently the longest waiting and 2nd oldest ever heir to the throne, and would by that time be the oldest heir at 66 years old. see british kings & queens by age of ascent. the queen's husband prince philip, duke of edinburgh, is 91 years, 7 months and 22 days old, and celebrated his 91st birthday on 10th june 2012. he is the longest ever serving royal consort and oldest serving spouse of a reigning british monarch. on 29th april 2011 the queen's grandson prince william, who is 2nd in line to the throne, married catherine (kate) middleton in westminster abbey. they are now the duke and duchess of cambridge, and in scotland the earl and countess of strathearn. on 3rd december 2012 it was announced that they are expecting their first child due to be born in july 2013 and will become 3rd in line of succession to the thone. elizabeth ii is queen of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and head of the commonwealth of nations. great britain was formed 305 years ago by the act of union between england and scotland on 1st april 1707. more about great britain as well as the united kingdom, she is queen of canada, australia, new zealand, jamaica, barbados, the bahamas, grenada, papua new guinea, the solomon islands, tuvalu, saint lucia, saint vincent and the grenadines, antigua and barbuda, belize, and saint kitts and nevis, where she is represented by governors-general. the sixteen countries of which she is queen are known as commonwealth realms, and their combined population is 134 million. she is head of the commonwealth of nations comprising 54 member states in north america, south america, europe, africa, asia and oceania. the aims of the commonwealth include the promotion of democracy, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism, and world peace. the 2.1 billion people in the member states account for almost a third of the current world population. her reign of over more than half a century has seen 12 prime ministers of the united kingdom, and numerous prime ministers in the commonwealth realms of which she is (or was) also head of state; between them she has had a total of 140 prime ministers during her reign. there have been 12 us presidents during her reign. как то так
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Расскрыть скобки columbus didn't know that he (discover) america i already (read)five english books. my friend just (ring) me up from london by ten o'clock yesterday the children (finish) their homework and at ten o'clock they (watch) tv they never (play) this game she (read) an english book the whole evening yesterday i suddenly (remember) that i (forget) my english exercise book my sister (spend) a lot of money yesterday. look! what beautiful flowers she (buy) don't enter nick's room! he (work) they (eat) all the apples which i (bring) what you (do) at 5 p.m yesterday? mike (eat) ice cream every day let's go for a walk. the rain (stop) and the sun (shine) she is so upset: she (lose) the key to the front door. i always (get) up at 7 a.m., but tomorrow i (get) a little later we (not see) each other for ages he (discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (take) a decision i (lbreak) my leg when i (play) in the yard yesterday our grandmother (cook) dinner from twelve till three yesterday