1) We turned up the radio, so that everyone could hear. 2) He left early; I saw him go. 3) I am afraid you’re wrong. 4) I have been invited to speak to you, so I must say a few words. 5) We consider him to be very trustworthy. 6) Will the people who are sitting at the back please move forward.
2. Определите статус и значение полифункционального субординатора that в следующих предложениях; уточните, в каких из предложений that может быть заменен нулевым субординатором:
1) The rules state quite clearly that smoking is prohibited here. 2) I’ll give it to you on condition that you don’t break it. 3) He was so rude that she refused to answer. 4) Bring it closer so that I can see it better. 4) There are a lot of things that I have to do before I leave tonight. 5) They’ve found the gun that she was shot with. 6) The day that he came I was out.
3. а) Определите тип подчиненного предложения (подчиненной клаузы) и тип связи в следующих предложениях:
1) ‘All you need is love… Love is all you need.’ 2) Why do you ask me what happened? 3) The strange thing is that they are disappointed. 4) We, who are perfect strangers here, should have been warned about it. 5) She manages such things much better than you do. 6) For all I know, she is a stranger here. 7) Your mother and father, as far as I remember, knew each other for twelve years before they were married.
б) Составьте список основных типов адвербиальных придаточных (повторите материал практического курса грамматики); приведите собственные примеры.
в) Определите, используются ли субординаторы в своих основных, первичных значениях, или они являются семантически «перенесенными», смешанными в следующих сложноподчиненных предложениях:
1) Fire the rockets when I give the signal. 2) She’ll tell us when to open it. 3) They kept trying when they must have known it was hopeless. 4) Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already? 5) I asked her where she was going. 6) The crisis has reached a point where a receiver will have to be called in. 7) This is the building where I work. 8) They stopped where the road turned to the river. 9) They work better together than if they were alone. 10) I know him better than you do. 11) I don’t like the way you laugh at her. 12) They arrived while we were having dinner. 13) Some countries have plenty of oil, while others have none.
прости мне просто нужни бали
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составить предложения со словами: 1. awe 2. with awe 3. betray 4. claim 5. demand 6.deny 7.deserve 8.execute 9.innocent 10.menace 11.seek 12. confirm 13.sought 14.sentence (как наказание, приговор) 15. trial