Health is the most important thing in the world. the picture of unknown artist was very beautiful . our actions were illegal and we knew it. your classes in foreign languages are irregular. your answer to this question is incomplete. i found on nonconformity in your reports.
Япобывал(а) в великобритании. там было круто! стоит сходить в букингемский дворец, сходить к стоунхенджу(чудо ведь великобритания сама по себе - это родина одной из самых древних в мире монархий, страна дождей и родина шекспира. там я купил(а) маленькую фигурку букингемского дворца. познакомился(лась) с анжелиной джоли и взял(а) у неё автограф. я много фотографировал(а). мне там понравилось i have been(a) in the uk. it was very cool! should go to buckingham palace to go to stonehenge(wonder of because by itself, the uk is the home of one of the world's oldest monarchies, a country of rain and the birthplace of shakespeare. there i bought(a) a small figure of buckingham palace. met(las) with angelina jolie and took(a) her autograph. i photographed(a). i really liked it there
My friend- my name is sergey. i’m twelve years old. i’m in the sixth grade. i have a lot of friends but i want to tell about my best friend. his name is alexander. he’s my school-mate. sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. he is very responsive. he will help me in hour of need. i always can rely on him. sasha goes to sports school. he is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. on weekends we play football or cycle. sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. his favourite films are “saw” and “scream”. we often go to the cinema. sasha is true friend. my father says that i’m lucky because i have so reliable and true friend. i value our friendship.
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