My favorite character is Harry Potter. When I was younger I didn’t want to read the book. I was curious about classical literature or some adventure stories. Later my friends invited me to the cinema. I was not busy and so that was the evening when I first met Harry Potter and his brave friends. I can not say that I have become a Potter’s fan. He is little bit strange, but at the same time he is brave and very smart. He knows how to act, how to communicate with people and how to be a good friend. Sometime we have good and bad days, but we have to be strong and still trust people.
1. science is an important branch of national economy. наука является важной отраслью национальной is - а) словарное (смысловое) значение – «быть чем-то (кем-то)»; 2. the power of the monarch (монарх) is limited by the constitution. 2. власть монарха ограничена конституцией. is - б) глагол для: - образования passive voice ; 3. they are living here at the moment. в настоящий момент они проживают здесь. are - б) глагол для: - образования continuous tense; 4. a computer specialist was to help the company in finding the problem. специалист по компьютерам должен был организации в обнаружении проблемы. was (to) - в) модальное значение долженствования; 5. the practical role of a computer is to store huge (great) amounts of information практическая роль компьютера состоит в том, чтобы сохранять огромное количество информации. is - г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.
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Ответ на загадку- я красивый, но небольшой, умею петь и летать, красный и черный, умею кататься на кошке