Ugansk is the administrative center of the luhansk region . well-known fact that the lugansk geographically favorably located on the eastern border of ukraine with russia , its immediate neighbor friendly . our city is located on the northern slopes of the donets ridge , river valley lugan . lugansk - not only a beautiful city with lots of parks, squares and monuments of culture, but also one of the largest industrial cities in ukraine . for example, lugansk locomotive plant supplied locomotives throughout the former soviet union and is known in many countries abroad. lugansk also famous for its universities and institutes - vugu , lgmu . kvn our city repeatedly won and became famous in all cis countries . lugansk is also home to many famous people. one of them is vladimir dahl - the author of "dictionary of the russian language " and one of the closest friends of alexander pushkin.we love our city , so it was very interesting to know some historical facts about the people who lived in these places before. it turned out that the territory of luhansk region began to settle around a hundred thousand years ago. in the area of the farm kolesnikova ( stanichno- luhansk region) , the village of krasny yar (border lugansk ) uncovered parking early paleolithic man . in the village of petrovka stanichno luhansk district the parking late paleolithic age is about 14 thousand years. more populated area in the region was 1 thousand . e . here lived the iranian-speaking agricultural tribes . in the vii millennium bc. e . in the region lived warlike nomads : cimmerians, scythians and sarmatians . in the i millennium bc . e in our region lived alans - descendants of the sarmatians , bulgars - turkic tribes . alana and bulgarians created a unified culture in the northern black sea coast , left in our region remains of hundreds of settlements , some of which covered an area of several tens of hectares. then the seversky donets basin settled turkic nomads : pechenegs , turks, cumans . in the first half of the xiii century. these lands captured tatars . with them they raided the ukrainian and russian land.but all this - the legends of antiquity. as old as the tradition that we respect and remember . for example, october 12, 1980 for the first time celebrated the day of luhansk city , which has now become a tradition. it is celebrated annually in september . but life does not stand still . many foreign guests our city receives annually . and he is also twinned with lugansk many foreign cities. this cardiff ( uk), saint-etienne (france), pernik (bulgaria ) , sekeshfe - hervar (hungary), lublin ( poland) and dantsin (china) . wherever people come to us - we are always happy to see everyone in our hometown !
Мой друг эдвард я пригласил друга по имени эдвард. мы стали друзьями прошлым летом, когда мы проводили свой отпуск у моря. мы жили в небольшом внутреннем дворе в небольшом поселке рыбаков. мы могли добраться до острова только на лодке. я жил с семьей моряка, который заботился только о море, кораблях и плаваниях. я знаю вашего друга эдвард столько лет, мой хозяин часто рассказывал мне. он популярен среди наших людей. я имею в виду, куда бы он ни пошел, что бы особенное не случилось, он всегда там. надеюсь
My brother was at home yesterday. мой брат был дома вчера. the lecture was interesting yesterday. лекция вчера была интересная. it was very cold yesterday. вчера было холодно. mary was on holiday last month. мэри была в отпуске в прошлом месяце. she was a schoolgirl in 2005. она была школьницей в 2005 году. max and alex were ill two days ago. макс и алекс болели два дня назад. were you ill last week? вы болели на прошлой неделе? we were in paris last year. мы были в париже в прошлом году. my sister and i were in time. моя сестра и я пришли вовремя. max and mary were busy. макс и мери были заняты. 5 предложений с was 5 предложений с were