are you doing
am watching
is raining
does it often rain
The employment contract is concluded in writing not less than in duplicate and signed by the parties. One copy of the employment contract is kept by You and the other by the employer, and do not forget to sign (confirm in writing) the receipt by the employee of a copy of the employment contract. All changes and additions in the employment contract, including at transfer to other work, are performed by the parties in writing in the order provided by point 1 of this article.The proposal to change the terms of the employment contract shall be submitted by one of the parties to the employment contract in writing and shall be considered by the other party within seven calendar days from the date of its filing.
Working time for YOU
from 14 to 16 years - no more than 24
Полуте́нь — слабо освещенное пространство между областями полной тени и полного света. В научном плане - область пространства, в которую свет попадает частично. В оптике рассматривается тот случай, когда полутень образуется за непрозрачным телом при освещении его источником света, размеры которого сравнимы как с размерами тела, так и с расстоянием между источником и телом. Полутень представляет собой периферию (внешнюю часть) затемненной области. В области полутени видна только часть источника света. Этим она отличается как от полной тени, в которой источник совсем не виден, и от полного света: на свету он виден полностью.
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Убрать скобки.present simple и present continuous 1)-what (you to do) at the moment ? - i(to watch ) an interesting film on tv. 2) it (to rain) cats and dogs. take your umbrella. 3)it (often to rain ) in summer in londone?
1. what are you doing at the moment? -i am watching an interesting film on tv.
2 it is raining cats and dogs. take your umbrella.
3does it often rain in summer/