
Яв не напишите сочинение на тему осень по желательно 3 !

Английский язык


After summer comes  autumn. september, october and november are autumn months. the weather is very changeable in this  season. you can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. it is time to gather the harvest. sometimes autumn weather is bad. there are a lot of rainy days. so, the roads are dirty. students and pupil begin schooling. the warm days of early autumn art called the “golden autumn”. the “golden autumn” is really beautiful with its yellow, red and brown trees and golden leaves falling down. autumn is the  season  of fruit and vegetables.переводпосле лета наступает осень. сентябрь, октябрь и ноябрь осенние месяцы. погода изменчива в этом сезоне. вы можете видеть, желтый, красный, коричневые листья везде. пора собирать урожай. иногда осенью погода плохая. есть много дождливых дней. так, дороги грязные. студенты и ученик начинают обучение. теплые дни ранней осени искусства под названием "золотая осень".«золотая осень» действительно красиво с ее желтые, красные и коричневые деревья и золотые листья . осень сезон фруктов и овощей.

1. if you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

2. i shouldn’t have believed it if i hadn't seen it with my own eye.

3. if you had told me that beforehand, i would have found some money for you.

4. what would you do if someone gave you a million pounds?

5. if i had had a book, i wouldn’t have been bored.

6. if you had spoken slowly, he might have understood you.

7. i would have taken a taxi if i had understood that it was too late.

8. if i had been ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.

9. she had a headache, otherwise she would have come.

10. if my mother had known about the party, she would have baked a cake.

На языке перевод на язык the person i admire человек, которым я восхищаюсь when i think of someone special, who i could look up to, my grandfather comes to my mind. there are, of course, many prominent people, that are worth admiring. many teenagers are fans of some rock singers, famous actors, but for me the hero is my granddad. he is rather old now, almost 80. nevertheless, he looks and acts as an up-to-date person. he is neither tall nor short, more of a medium height, but he is well-built. he always speaks to the point and tries to stay informed of all the current events in the world. he went through the second world war and had several injuries. he survived the times of real famine and poverty. growing up in a family of 15 children, he had to share one coat and one pair of shoes with his siblings. the same can be said about food. he had to share his only piece of bread or candy with a great number of starving brothers and sisters. however, they survived and they learned to appreciate every little thing in this world. by the way, my grandfather’s name is vladimir. he is my mum’s father. he has always been good to me and my younger sister, though we are not his only grandchildren. when we were little, he would take us to the ice-cream booth at the central park and buy as much ice-cream as we wanted. he would also take us to the merry-go-round. all his life he worked at the factory, where he created vehicle parts. although he has retired long ago, he still does some minor jobs to keep busy. whenever any of his relatives needs help, he is always there for them. he is a great husband, a wonderful father and the best grandfather in the world.

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