
Переведите текст great britain has the official name – the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (or uk – for short it is situated on the british isles. england, wales, scotland and northern ireland are the parts of great britain. administratively the uk is divided into 55 counties. the total territory is over 244 thousand square kilometers (the 75th place among other countries in the world). the population of the uk is over 57 mln. the country is washed by the north and irish seas, the atlantic ocean and the english channel. the country has many rivers. the longest of which are the severn, the thames, the clide . the highest mountain is ben nevis in scotland. north and west of the country are highlands, south and east - lowlands the climate is mild. the country possesses natural and mineral resources: oil, gas, iron ores, coal and some metals. the uk is a highly developed industrial country. the main industrial branches are aircraft and navigation equipment, electronics, machinery, chemicals and textile, automobile and ship-building the country is rich in old cultural traditions and customs. the official language is english. the national symbol is the national flag “union jack”, having 3 white and red crosses on the dark blue field. the capital of the uk is london. there are many large cities: birmingham, glasgow, liverpool, manchester, edinburgh. the uk is a constitutional monarchy, headed by the queen. but her power is limited by the oldest parliament in the world. it consists of 2 chambers: the house of lords and the house of commons. the government is headed by a prime minister – the leader of the party having the majority in the house of common. the country has a multiparty system. the largest of the parties are the conservatives (the tory), the liberal (the whigs) and the labour party.

Английский язык


Великобритания имеет официальное название -соединенное королевство великобритании и северной ирландии ( или великобритании - для краткости) . она расположена на британских островах. , уэльс , шотландия и северная ирландия являются частями великобритании . в административном отношении великобритания делится на 55 графств . общая территория составляет более 244 000 квадратных километров ( 75- е место среди других стран мира ) .население великобритании составляет более 57 млн. человек. великобритания является одной из самых густонаселенных стран в мире . большинство британского населения проживает в городах и поселках.страна омывается северным и ирландским морями , атлантическим океаном и проливом ла-манш. северная и западная части страны являются высокогорными , южная и восточная - низменности . самая высокая гора великобритании бен-невис в шотландии .есть много рек в стране . самые длинные и самые важные из них - река северн, темза и клайд . климат мягкий из-за гор, атлантического океана и теплых вод гольфстрима. великобритания является высокоразвитой индустриальной державой . она обладает некоторые минеральные ресурсы: уголь , железные руды , нефть, газ и некоторые металлы .страна известна как один из крупнейших мировых производителей и экспортеров электроники и техники , веществ и текстиля, различных самолетов и навигационного оборудования . среди основных отраслей промышленности также угледобывающая , автомобильная, судостроительная, металлургическая страна богата старыми культурными традициями и обычаями официальный язык - . национальным символом является национальный флаг - джек юнион. он имеет 3 белых и красных креста на тёмно-синем поле. столица страны является лондон . это самый большой политический, культурный и промышленный центр страны и один из крупнейших портов мира . его население составляет более 11 млн. человек. среди крупнейших городов великобритании, бирмингем, глазго , ливерпуль, манчестер , эдинбург. великобритания является конституционной монархией . официально главой государства является королева . но ее власть ограничена парламентом -самым старым парламентом в мире.  он состоит из 2 палат: палаты лордов и палаты общин . британское правительство возглавляется  премьер-министром -лидером партии , имеющей большинство в палате общин. в стране   несколько политических партий крупнейшими и наиболее влиятельными из них являются консервативная ( тори ) , либеральная ( виги ) и лейбористская партии .

Вставьте глагол to be в Past

My aunt was very depressed last Sunday. The weather was terrible. It was cold and rainy. Her husband was not at home. He was at hospital because he was sick. Her children were not at school. They were not in the yard, they in the living room. The TV was broken. The children were not only upset, they were very angry. The neighbours  were not happy because her children were too noisy. The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There was nothing in the fridge. There were no vegetables for dinner, there were no juice for her children. There was not even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She was just exhausted.




Shrovetide Week is the post-Lenten stage of preparation for Lent, which in 2021 begins on March 15, 49 days (7 weeks) before Easter, which this year will be celebrated on May 2. During this period, Christians try to forgive all offenses, repent and make peace with their neighbors. At the same time, the Maslenitsa festival is filled with fun and revelry. People go to visit each other and massively bake pancakes, which, by the way, are considered a symbol of wealth — the more pancakes are baked on Shrovetide, the more money will come into the house. The main symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes with all kinds of fillings. They are baked and eaten throughout Shrovetide week, at the end of which another important rite is held — the burning of a straw effigy. This ritual is filled with deep meaning, as it invites spring and banishes winter. The entire period of Maslenitsa is divided into two periods — three days (from Monday to Wednesday) are called narrow Maslenitsa, and the next four days (from Thursday to Sunday) — wide Maslenitsa. These periods also have their own traditions and prohibitions. From Monday to Wednesday, you are allowed to do household chores, but from Thursday, you should stop all work around the house, and devote all your time to walking and entertainment. https://www.online.ua/

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Переведите текст great britain has the official name – the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (or uk – for short it is situated on the british isles. england, wales, scotland and northern ireland are the parts of great britain. administratively the uk is divided into 55 counties. the total territory is over 244 thousand square kilometers (the 75th place among other countries in the world). the population of the uk is over 57 mln. the country is washed by the north and irish seas, the atlantic ocean and the english channel. the country has many rivers. the longest of which are the severn, the thames, the clide . the highest mountain is ben nevis in scotland. north and west of the country are highlands, south and east - lowlands the climate is mild. the country possesses natural and mineral resources: oil, gas, iron ores, coal and some metals. the uk is a highly developed industrial country. the main industrial branches are aircraft and navigation equipment, electronics, machinery, chemicals and textile, automobile and ship-building the country is rich in old cultural traditions and customs. the official language is english. the national symbol is the national flag “union jack”, having 3 white and red crosses on the dark blue field. the capital of the uk is london. there are many large cities: birmingham, glasgow, liverpool, manchester, edinburgh. the uk is a constitutional monarchy, headed by the queen. but her power is limited by the oldest parliament in the world. it consists of 2 chambers: the house of lords and the house of commons. the government is headed by a prime minister – the leader of the party having the majority in the house of common. the country has a multiparty system. the largest of the parties are the conservatives (the tory), the liberal (the whigs) and the labour party.
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