
Change into indirect speech: 1 mother says, don't plaу with the scissors, molly! 2.the policeman says, "excuse me, sir. will you show me your driving license? " 3.lucy savs to mary, "just imagine, i saw a ufo yesterday! " 4.the child says, what shall we have for dinner, моm? 5.the teacher says, water boils at 100 degrees above zero, " 6.john says to his wife, "is the baby asleep or awake? " 7.little bob savs, "my brother can beat any of the bovs here! " 8.father says, "i am afraid the postman hasn't come yet." 9.the old man says, "do you understand what i say, my boy? ' - "no, " 10.the boy says, "my sister will get her diploma next month if she passes her exams qic translate into english:

Английский язык


1mother tells molly not to plaу with the scissors.2. the policeman asksme to show him my driving license.3. lucy says to mary that she saw a ufo yesterday.4. the child says, what shall we have for dinner, моm?   5. the teacher says that water boils at 100 degrees above zero.6. john askes his wife if the baby is asleep or awake.7. little bob savs that his brother can beat any of the bovs there.8. father says that he is afraid the postman hasn't come yet.9. the old man asks the boy if he understands what he says. and the boy answers in the negative.10. the boy says that his sister will get her diploma next month if she passes her exams.
1. mother told molly not to play with scissors. 2. the policeman asked him to show his driving license. 3. lucy told mary that she has seen a ufo yesterday. 4. the child asked his mom what they would have for dinner. 5. the teacher told us that the water boils at 100 degrees above zero. 6. john asked his wife if the baby was asleep or awake. 7. little boy threatened us that his brother could beat any of the boys there. 8. father told us that the postman hadn't come yet. 9. the old man asked the boy if he understood what he said. 10. the boy told us that his sister would get her diploma the following month if she passed her exams.

Самолёт, воздушное пространство, ВВС, летний курорт, дом отдыха,  таможня, столовая, вагон-ресторан, гостиная, камин, ночная жизнь, газетный киоскер, солнечные очки, поп-звезда,сноуборд, прыжки с моста, вертолёта со специальным эластичным канатом, землетрясение, теплица, портативный компьютер, программное обеспечение, научная фантастика, Солнечная система, ьак называемый, стрижка, щетка для волос, холодильник, газета, блокнот,тропический лес, продолжительность жизни, дождевик, спортсмен, солнечный свет, восход, подсолнух, пирсинг.


ответ:Мне нравится ходить куда нибудь с друзьями , но не нравится танцевать. Мне нравится заниматься спортом , но не нравится петь. Мне нравится фотографировать , но не нравиться делать домашнюю работу. Мне нравиться играть в настольные игры , но не нравится мыть посуду. Мне нравится ходить в кино/театр , но не нравиться убирать свою комнату. Мне нравится плавать , но мне не нравится читать книги/журналы. Мне нравится ходить по магазинам , но не нравится играть на музыкальном инструменте. Мне нравится играть в компьютерные игры , но не нравится нырять. Мне нравиться болтать с друзьями , но не нравится посещать музеи , осматривать достопримечательности. Анг.яз.-. I like to go out with friends, but I don't like to dance. I like to play sports, but I don't like singing. I like taking pictures, but I don't like doing homework. I like playing board games, but I don't like washing dishes. I like going to the cinema/theater, but I don't like cleaning my room. I like swimming, but I don't like reading books/magazines. I like to go shopping, but I don't like playing a musical instrument. I like to play computer games, but I don't like diving. I like to chat with friends , but I don't like visiting museums , sightseeing.



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Change into indirect speech: 1 mother says, don't plaу with the scissors, molly! 2.the policeman says, "excuse me, sir. will you show me your driving license? " 3.lucy savs to mary, "just imagine, i saw a ufo yesterday! " 4.the child says, what shall we have for dinner, моm? 5.the teacher says, water boils at 100 degrees above zero, " 6.john says to his wife, "is the baby asleep or awake? " 7.little bob savs, "my brother can beat any of the bovs here! " 8.father says, "i am afraid the postman hasn't come yet." 9.the old man says, "do you understand what i say, my boy? ' - "no, " 10.the boy says, "my sister will get her diploma next month if she passes her exams qic translate into english:
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