
Замените словосочетание с of существительным в притяжательном падеже. 1. the wife of our teacher. 2. the ball of the toys. 3. a meeting of students. 4. a dress of a lady. 5. the flat of my brother. 6. the theatres of moscow. 7. the rays of the sun. 8. the population of england. 9. the children of my sister.

Английский язык


1.your teacher's wife. 2.the toys' ball. 3.the students' meeting. 4.the lady's dress. 5.my brother's flat. 6.the moscow's theatres. 7.the sun's rays. 8.the england's population. 9.my sister's children.
Man has always sought at all times to freedom. only an understanding of freedom is all different .i think that freedom - is , first and foremost , freedom from prejudice. prejudices limit a person's ability , as in most cases based on false knowledge and findings.- freedom is the freedom to choose . person must choose where his study and work, where to live .- freedom is reasonable laws and reasonable obedience to . laws should be based on respect for the individual . fair laws provide human freedom.- freedom is the freedom of speech, of thought. people should have the right to think and say what he thinks. any opinions , even erroneous , deserves respect. there are no bad views , bad tastes. there are different .- freedom is the opportunity to make your own decisions and take responsibility for them . prohibition of anything we teenagers perceive as a restriction of freedom .today i have the right to choose a place of learning , a favorite pastime , and friends. i can choose which book to read, what music to listen to . i am not free from the opinions of others . and if i somehow do not agree with the majority that does not mean that i challenge . i want to establish themselves as a person.i understand that inner freedom is more important than physical.easy for you to imagine a world in which there is no crime ? probably not , especially if you have to read and listen to every day , and see all sorts of crimes - theft , assault and robbery, murder , fraud . experts say the new , if i may say , the qualitative level of crime. the crimes were committed in the world ever, but has not been a time when crime is so cleverly concealed under the guise of legality would and so skillfully avoided legitimate punishment , as it is today . when the moral level of the people falls so that respect for the law is lost , one might think that in the thinking of society is not all right . how can we explain such disrespect for the laws , and where people have learned about this ? education begins in the family , it is - the first school of the child. if you teach your children that the law of god - his commandments - should be observed that the law forbids to steal , kill, cheat, whore , abuse seniors - that young people coming into life , will have moral support , sufficient for understanding civil laws and their implementation . conversely, if you teach the younger generation that god's law is not needed, or that he was canceled , and it can be violated with impunity , the youth will lose all respect , not only to the law of god , but also to all the laws in general . one follows from the other. how can you , without regard to the law of god , at the same time to demand respect for the law , created by humans ? it is known that children need a role model. but who will be their ethical, moral and spiritual ideal? parents often quarrel , fight and deceive each other. and the kids see it all. drinking, fighting and divorce leave deep wounds in their hearts. who will teach the children right from wrong , if the parents can not or do not want to do this? naive to believe that it is able to do school . today we are faced with the question: who determines what is good and what is bad? after all, sometimes even good people can judge biased.
Wildlife very raznoobraznyy.esli we understand the language of animals , were able to talk to them , the material for writing stories about pets and wild animals would not be needed . therefore, writers , armed with imagination, create dialogues and monologues animals , using the true facts - a variety of scientific articles , observations, as well as photo and video materials. great story about the adventures of a little calf , who resigned from the people back into the forest . opened for him the true nature of the dangers and surprises . животный мир разнообразный.если бы мы понимали язык животных, умели бы с ними разговаривать, то материал для написания рассказов о и диких животных был бы не нужен. поэтому писатели, вооружившись воображением, диалоги и монологи животных, используя при этом подлинные факты –   разнообразные научные статьи, наблюдения, а также фото и видео материалы .большой рассказ о приключениях маленького лосёнка, который ушел от людей обратно в лес. для него открылся настоящая природа с опасностями и приятными сюрпризами.

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Замените словосочетание с of существительным в притяжательном падеже. 1. the wife of our teacher. 2. the ball of the toys. 3. a meeting of students. 4. a dress of a lady. 5. the flat of my brother. 6. the theatres of moscow. 7. the rays of the sun. 8. the population of england. 9. the children of my sister.
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