
Задайте вопросы. there are five textbooks in my bag. no there isnt.there is no bathroom in his flat. there are boys and girls in this room. yes there is. the living room is very cosy and comfortable. there are two chairs sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom.

Английский язык


Are there five textbooks in my room ? is there a bathroom in his flat? are there boys and girls in this room? is living room very cosy and comfortable? are there two chairs,sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom?
Start with the fact that the bear - the largest of modern predatory animals. some of them have reached a length of 3 meters and a weight of up to 700, and the white and sometimes up to 1000 kilograms. strong body, strong five-fingered paws with big claws, short tail, massive head with small eyes and ears - who knows brown? brown bears have chosen for their homes and taiga, and mountain forests and fertile meadows along the river. their range extends from the arctic coast, across the tundra and boreal forests, to spain, italy and iran in eurasia and the north american continent - to mexico. the population of brown bears there and in japan, hokkaido. it is believed that around the world live 125-150 thousand brown bears. but they were mostly just away from industrial centers. and where civilization gripped the nation a disservice to all parties, the beast sharply shallow. it is said that in the middle of russia can still meet a bear, and in some places it is also hunting for nobility ladies suit. but this rare carcass weight of its production and pigs do not would chip - 75-150 kg, and spread on the floor cabinet skin barely covers the square meter of floor - about trehmetrovorostom giant now only in hunting bikes commemorated.

1. Изучите грамматический справочник в конце урока и дополните предложения простыми или непрерывными формами глаголов.

1) Мистер Сингхе был за рулем/вел свою машину, когда что-то упало/падало с неба и ударилось/ударило его машину.

2) Тимми говорил/разговаривал по телефону, пока Боб ел/ел бутерброд.

3) вчера в 6 часов они смотрели/смотрели чат-шоу по телевизору.

4) она звонила/звонила два часа назад.

2. Выберите глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1) вы слушали/слушали радио, когда зазвонил/звонил телефон?

2) Том видел / видел яркий свет, когда шел / шел по аллее.

3) ребенок не спал/не спал, когда бабушка приехала/приехала.

4) когда он ехал/ехал в автобусе на работу, он вспомнил/вспоминал, что сегодня день рождения его сына.

5) учились ли дети/учились ли дети, пока их мать готовила/готовила ужин?

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Задайте вопросы. there are five textbooks in my bag. no there isnt.there is no bathroom in his flat. there are boys and girls in this room. yes there is. the living room is very cosy and comfortable. there are two chairs sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom.
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