
Вставь а там, где это возможно, в остальных случаях вставьте some 1) can i please ? 2) can i have bread please ? 3) can i have butter. please ? 4) can i bananas please ? 5) can i have banana please ?

Английский язык


Vlad Petr531
Вставь  а  там,где это возможно, в остальных случаях вставьте some 1) can i ..sandwich please  ?   2) can i have bread please ? 3) can i have .some.. butter. please ? 4) can i bananas  please  ? 5) can i have .. banana please ?

he left no 1.   philosophies. his disciple, the great 2. _writer__ plato, wrote down in the form of dialogues socrates’ teachings and ideas. one of them is that it is wise to know that your 3. wisdom is worth nothing. according to plato, socrates spent his time in the market place of athens talking to anybody who would listen. he liked to show people how 4. ignorant they were by asking questions. the 5. athenians disliked him. therefore, they said that he did not believe in the gods and in the year 399 bc he was brought to trial on the charge of neglecting his 6.   religious   duties. no one believed the 7. accusations. but socrates knew he would be condemned to 8. death. his behavior while in prison was 9. courageous.


1)my homework is easier than yours. - моя работа легче твоей.

2)this ball is newer than kara's ball. - этот мяч новее мяча кары.

3)my bicep is larger than my dad's.- мой бицепс больше отцовского.

4)i can't understand which notebook is longer, the green one or the blue one? - не могу понять, какая тетрадь длиннее, зеленая или синяя?

5)who is bigger, an elephant or a behemoth? - кто больше, слон или бегемот?

6)i don't think it to be more reasonable solution. - я думаю, что это более разумное решение.

7)i believe cake tastes better than pickles. -я думаю тор вкуснее чем огурцы.

8)these people are the happiest in the world. эти люди самые счастливые во всем мире.

9)last three hours is worst in my life. - последние три часа худшие в моей жизни.

10)my mother is older than my dad. - моя мама старше, чем мой отей.

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Вставь а там, где это возможно, в остальных случаях вставьте some 1) can i please ? 2) can i have bread please ? 3) can i have butter. please ? 4) can i bananas please ? 5) can i have banana please ?
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