ответ: и дверь открыла сова, залетев в комнату она села на край шкафа и стала наблюдать за мной. я тем временем лежал на кровати ошарашенный внезапным появлением птицы. мы минуту смотрели пристально друг на друга ,но вдруг, я услышал как на кухне упал пакет зерна. по коже пробежал холодный пот, родители уехали к соседям , я был один. было жутко подниматься с кровати , но выбора я не имел. только я начал подниматься, как вдруг услышал звуки шуршания , которые не прекращали доносится из кухни. я вскочил, включил свет в комнате , взял тупой предмет на всякий случай и тихонечко отправился на кухню. звуки тем временем не резко включил свет на кухне и увидел совсем не то что ожидал: на полу было разбросано зерно , которое поедали совята, какие милые и прекрасные создания!
вот так мне пощекотал нервишки один день во время летних каникул в деревне.
my favorite hero is stan lee, i can say more, he was creating them on panels of comics. first i saw him in movies about his comics, when i first saw him in there i was surprised why everyone were so surprised, so i learned about him more, and discovered him as a comic creator.
he made comic world different than it was, he was making every charaphter more realistic, not ideal, like us, real humans. he lived a very long life of 95 years, and showed us that even not real humans with some super powers can have problems, like spider-man, he made a teen hero that got his own school,family, and age problems, but he knew he is not the one deserved the powers.
stan lee, he was really funny and stylish guy in his time, but how he looked lastly, he was looking like ~60 year old guy with big plans on his life.
i like, and respect him for his patience, creativity, and mostly because he always was versus conflict or aggression of any kind. he made comics because he wanted to make everyone happy and get distracted from pretty bad situations.
he teached me about kindness, forgiveness, optimism, and many other things that he teached millions of people with his comic's.
yes, as always there is people who dont like him, but mostly everyone who knew him liked and respected him for everything.
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