
Iii. the word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. fill each blank in this way. example: danger it was a very dangerous trip. 1. protect people of some professions should wear … clothing. 2. nature if you care about the protection of the environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals. 3. ecology you have probably already heard about such a profession as an … . 4. predict scientists have made … and they are alarming. 5. use many things that we throw away can still be … .

Английский язык


Protect     people of some professionsshould wear protective  clothing. 2. nature   if you care about the protectionof the environment, you should buy only natural food with no added chemicals. 3. ecology   you have probably already heardabout such a profession as an ecologist . 4. predict     scientists have made predictions  and theyare alarming. 5. use   many things that we throw awaycan still be used.
Обращение ко всем хорошим детям соединенных штатов америки . дорогие дети, я написала эту книгу для вас чтобы порадовать и обучить вас. я знаю, дети любят читать рифмовки (стихи ) и напевать маленькие куплеты : но чаще всего дети читают(начитывают ) глупые стишки и такой способ провождения свободного времени не хорош. я намеревалась , когда начала писать эту книгу , предоставить вам несколько прелестных (хороших )песен и стихов , которые научили бы вас правде и я надеюсь, вызывали бы у вас любовь к правде и добру . дети , которые любят своих родителей и свой дом , смогут вскоре научить свои сердца любить господа и свою страну . сара дж, хейл. бостон , 1 май , 1830.
avakarica uncle used to eat a lot of french fries, but now he prefers mashed potatoes.

3.pete’s elder sister used to live in a flat, but now she lives in a cottage.

4. my granny didn't use to take long walks, but now she walks 3 kilometres every day.

5. klim used to read at night, but now he goes to bed at 10 p.m.

6. when molly was little, she didn't use to drink orange juice but now she drinks it every morning.

7. dad used to drive to work, but now he goes to work by metro.

8. they didn't use to spend their holidays by the sea, but now they go to the sea every summer

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Iii. the word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. fill each blank in this way. example: danger it was a very dangerous trip. 1. protect people of some professions should wear … clothing. 2. nature if you care about the protection of the environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals. 3. ecology you have probably already heard about such a profession as an … . 4. predict scientists have made … and they are alarming. 5. use many things that we throw away can still be … .
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