
:с 1) match the pictures to the places in the list a) school d) restaurant b) post office e) newsagent's c) saloon f) railway station 2) choose the correct item 1. it's a beserted town with a lot a. original b. slow c. ruined 2. my grandfather buys the newspaper a. trendy b.weekly c.wealthy

Английский язык


2)  1 в 2 а в первом надо соединить картинки с названиями 

Basketball has been played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936 [баскетбол хэз биин плеэд ин зэ саммер олимпик геймс синс найтин фёти сикс] – В баскетбол играют на Летних Олимпийских Играх с 1936.

Правила игры таковы:

The purpose of game is to score more points than the other team, by shooting the ball in the basket [зэ пэпоз оф гейм из ту скор мор поинтс зэн зэ офен тим, бай шутинг зэ бол ин зэ баскет] – Цель игры состоит в том, чтобы набрать больше очков, чем другая команда, забрасывая мяч в корзину.

Basket [баскет] – так же: бросок.

1, 2, 3-point baskets [ванн, ту, фрии поинт баскетс] – одно-, двух-, трехочковый бросок.

You get points for the throw the ball into the opponent’s basket [ю гет поинтс фор зэ фроу зэ бол инто зэ опонентс баскет] – Вы получаете очки за бросок мяча в корзину соперников


думаю что правилно


  Odessa is an eternally young and hospitable city on the Black Sea coast. I love so much this tart smell of the sea, this Odessa dialect, which cannot be confused with any other. This subtle Odessa humor.

  It seems that Odessa has always been. Meanwhile, she is a little over two hundred years old. The empress herself, Catherine II, was directly involved in its foundation.

  The city in the most miraculous way stood in a bare steppe - uninhabited, wild and deserted. The Turks, who used to live there, did nothing on this land. She seemed to be waiting for caring, hardworking hands. And finally she waited. On the site of the ancient fortress Khadzhibey, like a giant from a fairy tale, a wonderful city began to appear - my dear Odessa.

  For its construction, a fabulous sum for those times was allocated from the state treasury - 26 thousand rubles.

  For these two hundred years, Odessa had to go through so much! But it arose from a fortress, and became a fortress itself, in spite of any adversity. Both wars and revolutions have gone through it. And the eternal Duke condescendingly looks at all human adversity from his pedestal, and the most beautiful Potemkin Stairs still descends to the sea. On its almost two hundred steps, funny races are often arranged not only by desperate daredevils, but also by experienced athletes.

  The Odessa Opera House is recognized as one of the most beautiful in Europe, and the artists claim that it is a pleasure to sing in it, such good acoustics there.

  You can walk around Odessa endlessly, enjoy its quiet streets and beautiful avenues.

  And of course, my dear Odessa cannot be imagined without its beaches, without the best market in the world - Privoz.

  Come to Odessa, you will understand that there is simply no better place in the world


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:с 1) match the pictures to the places in the list a) school d) restaurant b) post office e) newsagent's c) saloon f) railway station 2) choose the correct item 1. it's a beserted town with a lot a. original b. slow c. ruined 2. my grandfather buys the newspaper a. trendy b.weekly c.wealthy
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