
That there girl over at look составить предложение !

Английский язык


Look at that girl over there
Mr martin lived alone in a small house in a village. he wasn't married, but  he was never lonely. he was interested in many things, for example  the uk royal family and its history. mr. martin is a serious study of the law and he liked to chat  about the power problem in the country with his neighbor, a former lawyer. he had a very interesting thoughts about  how to make parliament work better. but he was especially interested in health issues. he led a healthy lifestyle.  but he was afraid of getting sick by any serious illness, so  he often went to the doctor. but the doctor was getting tired of mr. martin and his imaginary illnesses. in fact mr. martin was absolutely healthy, but he thought that he had all sorts of diseases . one day, mr. martin rushed to the doctor 's office and said that he had a terrible disease , which he had read in the newspaper. the doctor read about that disease  and said, that he was surprised about mr. martin having that disease, as there were no signs for it. as of this writing , people do not know when they have this disease . he also told him not to be  a fool, as there was nothing to worry about. mr. martin was offended, but said, that he didn't suffer from any of the  symptoms.

1.                hear- слышать

do you hear that music? слышишь эту музыку?  2. celebrate- праздновать

                    how do you usually celebrate new year? как вы обычно празднуете новый год?

2.                true- правда

is it true? ”это правда? 4. does this matter? - это важно?

does it matter what i think? какое имеет значение, что я думаю?

5. still- все еще

he is still at work. он все еще на работе.6. have a great time- чудесно проводить время

they  had  a  great time  at the party. они прекрасно провели время на вечеринке.

7. especially- особенно

i made this pie especially for you. я приготовила этот пирог специально для вас.

8. own- владеть

we hope own our own home.мы надеемся, у нас будет собственный дом.

9. gift- подарок

  i want to buy this gift for my mother.   я хочу купить подарок для совей мамы.10. make money- зарабатывать деньги

you are old enough to make money yourself.   ты достаточно взрослый, чтобы самому зарабатывать деньги. 11. than- чем

you are taller than your sister.   ты выше своей сестры. 12. spread- распространять, раскидывать

                                                      he spread his arms wide.он широко раскинул руки.

13. cost- стоимость

it is too high cost. это цена завышена. 14. should- должен

you should go to the hospital.   тебе следует обратиться в больницу. 15. bored- скучать

i was bored during the lesson. мне было скучно во время урока.16. easter gifts- пасхальные подарки

what easter gifts do you   usually have in your country?   какие пасхальные подарки обычно дарят в вашей стране? 17. between- между

there is a bed between a table and a wardrobe.   между столом и шкафом стоит кровать.

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