The girl’s grandmother goes by the name of Elaine because
1) it is only natural to go by one’s first name for a girl.
2) she didn’t like her real first name and changed it when she grew up.
3) she wanted to avoid confusion with other female members in the family.
Elaine liked primary school because
1) she could be alone at least on the way to school.
2) her teacher always made her feel special.
3) she could learn more, listening to older kids.
Among Elaine’s chores was
1) waxing the floors.
2) tidying the closets.
3) washing the dishes.
When in high school Elaine
1) proved to be a natural dancer.
2) couldn’t learn to play basketball.
3) could take athletics with boys.
She got a chance to go to college because
1) her employer helped her to continue her education.
2) she earned enough money working at the creamery and at the cafeteria.
3) she got an academic scholarship.
She majored in
1) economics.
2) home economics education.
3) education.
Elaine had a big family, and remembering her kids growing up
1) she feels sorry she had so many children.
2) she wishes she had more.
3) she believes it was a reward for all her previous problems.
1. turn on ( Мне скучно. Включи телик)
2. don't speak ( *слово на испанском*. Это класс английского, не говори на Испанском)
3. go (Я устал. Уже поздно, иди спать.)
4. don't read ( Эта книга хорошая? Нет, не читай ее)
5. have ( Я голоден. Съешь сэндвич)
6. be ( Посмотри на тех животных. Будь аккуратнее, они опасны)
7. take ( Идет дождь. Возьми зонтик)
8. don't park ( Где наш отель? Вот там, не паркуйся тут)
1. let's go ( Ну же, пойдем)
2. let's turn off ( Уже поздно. Выключай телевизор и иди спать.
3. let's stop (Я устал. Давай остановимся)
4. let's close ( Тут очень холодно. Давай закроем окно)
5. let's sit down ( Там есть станция обслуживания автомобилей ( вот тут мб и не про машины кстати). Давай присядем и выпьем кофе)
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