
Всем) нужен перевод. заранее : * the future of cyberspace. in the last thirty years, the internet has grown dramatically. in 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue. some experts are pessimistic about the future. one worry is the activities of cybercriminals. even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. in the future, cyberterrorists may attack the world’s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash. however, many people are optimistic about the future of the internet. already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the internet. ‘in the next few years, ’ says angela rossetto of cyberia magazine, ‘it is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the internet.’ she also believes that, in the future we will get entertainment from the net and that television will probably disappear. the postal service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail. some specialists see our future in virtual reality - the use of computers with sounds and images that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.

Английский язык



будущеекиберпространстве.впоследние тридцать лет, интернет резко возрос.в 1983 годубылолишь 200компьютеров, подключенных кинтернету, сейчасестьоколо 50 миллионов, и этот ростявнобудет продолжаться.некоторые экспертынастроены пессимистичнов отношении будущего.однобеспокойстводеятельностикиберпреступников.даже сейчас,молодыехакеры могутпроникнуть вкомпьютерыбанкови правительств.в будущем, кибертеррористымогут атаковатькомпьютерыв мире,вызвать хаос, и сделатьсамолеты и поездааварии.тем не менее,многие людис оптимизмом смотрят вбудущее интернета.уже сейчаспользователи могут купитькниги,узнатьо праздничныхпредложений, забронировать билетыи получитьвсе виды интернета."в ближайшие нескольколет»,говорит анжелаrossettoизcyberiaжурнала«ясно, чтомыувидимвзрывпокупок в интернете.она такжесчитает, что вбудущеммы получимразвлеченияиз сетиителевидению, что, вероятно, исчезнут.почтовая службаможет такжеисчезнутьс увеличениемиспользованияэлектронной почты.некоторыеспециалисты видятнаше будущее ввиртуальной реальности -использование компьютеровсо звуком иизображениями, которые заставляют васчувствовать, как будтовы находитесь вреальной ситуации.

Dear martin,   we usually arrange a birthday party on sunday.  i invite my relatives and my best friends. mum and i clean the flat on saturday.    there are usually a lot of balloons in the room where the party is.    a big cake with candles is usually made by my granny.  at the party there is always lots of delicious food and drinks.  my friends come and i get a lot of presents from them and from my    relatives.   when tea time comes i make a birthday wish and blow    out the candles on the cake!   we dance and sing. then we play games. we also organize    interesting competitions. we enjoy the party and have fun.  birthday parties are great fun for everyone!   you asked me what present i would like to get for my next birthday. i think it will be a mountain bike. when is your birthday? how did you celebrate your last birthday? what would you like to get for next birthday? keep in touch. best wishes, oleg
Sport is a very important thing in the life of millions makes people healthy, stronger and more organized.almost all people may be divided into 2 groups.some prefer to watch sports events at the stadium or on tv, read interesting stories about sportsmen, listen to the radio news about football or another kind of sports.others choose to take part in the sport games or competitions.there are many different sport events and competitions all over the world.the most popular outdoor winter sports are skating, skiing, hockey, hunting.

there are new winter sports such as snowboarding.this sport becomes popular every year among young sportsmen.many people prefer to do sports in summer.they are fond of swimming, yachting, diving and so is the most popular game in the is the national sport of england.fifa world cup is held every four years.some people go in for such sports as wrestling, gymnastics, boxing, arm-wrestling and others.aerobics is very popular among women.thanks to it, girls are healthy and slim.great attention is paid to the sport in the educational institutions.physical education is compulsory subject in schools and universities.

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Всем) нужен перевод. заранее : * the future of cyberspace. in the last thirty years, the internet has grown dramatically. in 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue. some experts are pessimistic about the future. one worry is the activities of cybercriminals. even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. in the future, cyberterrorists may attack the world’s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash. however, many people are optimistic about the future of the internet. already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the internet. ‘in the next few years, ’ says angela rossetto of cyberia magazine, ‘it is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the internet.’ she also believes that, in the future we will get entertainment from the net and that television will probably disappear. the postal service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail. some specialists see our future in virtual reality - the use of computers with sounds and images that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.
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