Однажды я как обычно собиралась в школу,я по завтракала и пошла в школу но в скорее подходя к школе поняла что что то не так ,я забыла портфель дома и даже не заметила. one day i sucked dick stranger, but it turned out that my teacher. soon put him for seduction imperfect summer.
1) my dog is very big and strong. - моя собака большая и сильная. 2) i love my dog very much. - я люблю мою собаку. 3) my dog and my friend's dog are friends. - моя собака и собака моего друга - друзья. 4) my dog has dark red long fur. - у моей собаки длинная тёмно-рыжая шерсть. 5) dogs are very kind animals. - собаки - умные животные. 6) dogs are the best people's friend. - собаки - лучшие друзья людей. 7) do you like dogs? - ты любишь собак? 8) i haven't got a dog because my parents don't like animals. - у меня нет собак, потому что мои родители не любят животных. 9) our neighbours' dog is very noisy. - соседская собака шумная. 10) i like cats more than dogs. - я люблю кошек больше, чем собак.
He said he didn’t think it would be interesting. my father said he wanted more breakfast. she said that sally needed some more fish. she told lillian that she could come with her. frieda told the students that she would go back home the following sunday. a teacher told/asked his class to open their books. andrew`s father told him not to climb the tree in his new trousers. mother told/asked andrew not to eat all the cake. a farmer told the visitors to go that way. the officer told/asked the soldiers to fire. andrew told his dog jack to lie down.