
Какой правильный ответ на впр. have they done their homework? 1)no, they hasnt 2)no, they havent 3)yes, they do 4)yes, they has

Английский язык


2) сто процентов.;
When children grow up, they usually carry themselves as adults, but in case they're just teenagers. parents became more nervous so there're the quarrels. but it's not only their fault. children like to take damaging habits of adults because they hope this way they'll be cooler and older. it's the most famous teenagers' mistake. but how can they know this? i think patents and their kids should interract with each other. коли діти ростуть, вони зазвичай поводяться як дорослі, але в разі, якщо вони тільки підлітки. батьки стали більше нервувати, так що ви сварки. але це не тільки їхня провина. діти люблять приймати шкідливі звички дорослих, тому що вони сподіваються таким чином вони будуть холодніше і старше. це помилка з найвідоміших підлітків. але як вони можуть це знати? я думаю, що патенти і їхні діти повинні interract один з одним.


Summer is my favorite season. Summer I spent on the street. I to ride a bike, walked, to played pin-pong. In the summer I read school literature. I often went to shopping center for shopping. But also I went to camp. There I time held good . I with my friends win competitions, danced, drew, walke

Summer is my favourite season. Last summer I didn't go anywhere in June and in July, and I stayed almost all the time in the city. I rode my bike, walked in the park in fresh air, played ping-pong with my friends. I also read some books on Literature, History Geography and Biology. I often went to the shopping centre to do the shopping. But in August I went to a teens summer camp. It was really fun. It was situated by a lake and we swam and dived in it when the weather was warm and sunny. I made some new friends there. Together with them we took part in different competitions, festivals. We played sport games, danced, drew, went on a boat trip. In the camp there were discos almost every night. I guess, those were the most exciting days of my rest last summer. I got bright impressions, lots of funny photos and some new friends.


I love summer holidays. I like it because during my holidays I can relax and have fun. I can do everything I like. I don’t have to get up too early. I don’t do my homework. I went out with my friends, read, listened to music, watched TV, played computer games. I spent some weeks in a summer cottage with my grandparents. I helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables. Also I was fishing with my grandpa. We were cooking fish together. I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

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Какой правильный ответ на впр. have they done their homework? 1)no, they hasnt 2)no, they havent 3)yes, they do 4)yes, they has
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