Hi! how are you? i haven’t heard from you for a while. i guess you have been studying for your exams for the last few weeks like me. i have sat most of them. i sat the last one this friday. i think that i did quite well. my friends and i are throwing a big party to celebrate this weekend. we .have already hired the village hall. have you made any plans for saturday night yet? if not, why don't you come? it starts at 8 p.m. and you can stay at my house. paula and eve are staying too so it'll be fun. let me know. write back soon. love, lisa
220 человек - two hundred and twenty people, 1500 человек - one thousand five hundred people, 20545 книг - twenty thousand five hundred and forty-five books, около 100 страниц - about a hundred pages, почти 300 тетрадей -almost three hundred notebooks. 2. первый автобус - the first bus, вторая страница - the second page, миллионный посетитель - the one millionth visitor, часть первая - the first part или part one, номер десятый - the tenth number или number ten.3.два миллиарда человек - two billion people, миллионы книг - millions of books,триста восемьдесят пять страниц - three hundred and eighty-five pages,двадцать первое декабря 1997 года - the twenty first of december (of the year) nineteen ninety-seven,двенадцатое марта 2000 года - the twelfth of march (of the year) two thousand,одна четвертая - a quarter, три пятых - three-fifths,ноль целых двадцать пять сотых - zero (или n ought) point two five,четыре целых и пять шестых - four and five-sixths,две целых сто пять тысячных - two point one oh five.7 марта 1999 года - the seventh of march nineteen ninety-nine, 1 сентября 1974 года - the first of september nineteen seventy-four, 22 апреля 1911 года - the twenty-second of april nineteen eleven, 11 марта 1951 года - the eleventh of march nineteen fifty-one, 12 декабря 2024 года - the twelfth of december twenty twenty-four.