a: hi!
b: oh, hello!
a: wat's up?
b: several days ago i met such good man!
a: tell me about he
b: i think, i'll never get bored with him.
i was always very interesting to talk with him. but, he has one lack. he always talks only about himself.
a: i understand you, it is very sorrowfully, but such people are.. i have a new friend too! but it is a girl. i have never a friendship with a girls, but this person is not like other. i can speak to her on any thems, and i feel myself, like in the company of boy. but.. she also has a lack. her sense of humor is terrible! i try not to say something funny, so she did not laugh..
в: my dear friend, even we have some lacks. all people have it
a: yeah, you right
we do like playing with the snow during winter. мы действительно любим играть со снегом зимой.
i really like spring. it's awesome to be outside to feel some fresh air, to see grass grow and enjoy the sky which has a warm blue color. мне действительно нравится весна. это здорово - быть на улице и чувствовать свежий воздух, видеть как растёт трава и небо окрашено тёплым голубым.
in summer it's normally quite hot and there is always a possibility to swim in the rivers as well as in the see. летом обычно довольно жарко, и всегда есть возможность поплавать в речках или в море.
i like trees in autumn. it's hard to describe how beautiful the colors of autumn are. я люблю деревья осенью. трудно описать насколько красивы могут быть краски осени.
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